April 2024
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The Gargoyle, Andrew Davidson

When the narrator of The Gargoyle suffers through a horrific car accident thanks to a drug hallucination, he loses his entire life in one shot.  His career as a porn star is gone and he can no longer indulge himself by seducing beautiful women because nearly his entire body is covered in burns – and he has been emasculated thanks to the extensive damage.  He goes so far as to plan out his suicide in the most elaborate way possible, just to ensure he’ll be gone, as he is suffering.  That all changes when Marianne Engel enters his life, a girl with a mental disorder who is convinced she’s been alive for the past 700 years and that she loved the narrator in another life.  As she spins tales for him of love, he finds possibility of redemption.

I loved this book.  I’m not surprised by that because it seems nearly everyone else has too.  The first fifty pages are bit much, in all honesty, and reading about how he was burned and the different ways they set about curing him made me wonder just what everyone was raving about.  Then, of course, Marianne Engel appears and sets all sorts of changes in motion.  I loved her chapter-long stories of past loves and even more so her descriptions of the past between her and the narrator.  Well, it’s only natural that I would, given that it is set in medieval Germany.  The whole story might sound unlikely and strange, but it works.

I love the sardonic narrator in particular.  I think if this book tried to be entirely serious, it would fall on its face, but it has a wonderful edge of humor despite the frequently dire situations.   Taken in summary, it sounds ridiculous, but somehow it all combines to create a beautiful tribute to the unending power of love.  I couldn’t put this book down.  It has been released today and I highly recommend you go pick it up if you haven’t already. Buy this book on Amazon.

For more information and associated media for The Gargoyle, visit the book’s website at Doubleday.


6 comments to The Gargoyle, Andrew Davidson

  • Jen

    Fantastic review, I agree 100%.

  • UPS delivered this book to me yesterday and I can’t wait to read it!

  • It’s almost unbelievable how so many have loved this! I don’t think I’ve seen a bad review yet (with the exception of a few on Amazon- and they weren’t really very informative about what they didn’t like).

  • Nicely said! I read somewhere that part of the fun of reading reviews of The Gargoyle is seeing how people struggle to encapsulate the book, because there’s just so much. There is one horribly negative review at Entertainment Weekly, which was pointed out and sorta discussed on another blog. We all seem to be in agreement that that guy couldn’t have read the same book we did. (I think he decided in advance not to like it.) Best book I’ve read this year. :)

  • This is also on my TBR list. Your review echoes the sentiments I’ve read elsewhere – a great book, even though the openings passages are graphic and a bit tough to take. I’m looking forward to reading the novel!

    I received a duplicate copy of *The Gargoyle* and am holding a giveaway drawing on my blog

  • Kristy

    I am only half way through this book and I am amazed at how much I like it. This is definitely moving up quickly in my top 5 books…

    Very well written, and I am already looking forward to his next story.

    I’ll be back with more comments when I complete it!