January 2025
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BBAW Day 2: Interview

BBAW 2010It wouldn’t be BBAW if I didn’t have the opportunity to interview another fantastic, new-to-me blogger.  This year, that’s Kai from Fiction State of Mind.  Kai and I read a lot of different books, but I’m always happy to expand my horizons and try out some new stuff.  I hope her blog will become a great source of recommendations for me!  I hope you’ll welcome her to Medieval Bookworm today.

1) When did you become such an avid reader?
Reading was very important to my mother so she introduced me to books at a very young age. I took to books like fish to water! I read every day.
2) What made you decide to turn your blog into a book blog?
I think the abundance of bloggers I discovered on twitter inspired me to try it. I love discussing books and learning about new ones. I have few “real world” friends that share my book obsession so blogging and twitter fulfill that need for me.
3) Where do you get most of your books from?
I get most of my books by purchasing them myself and from Paperback Swap a great site! Recently I’ve made some contacts at Tor/Forge books and have had the opportunity to review some of their books. I’m excited since they are one of my favorite publishers. :)
4) What’s your favourite book to movie adaptation?
My favorite adaption is the BBC Adaptation of Pride & Prejudice with Colin Firth. I saw the TV series first and immediately ran out and bought the complete works of Jane Austen.
5) Besides reading, what do you enjoy doing the most?
I’m a huge Geek Girl :) I love Comic Books, Anime and Manga. I also love yoga. I’m yogikai on twitter and I had my fellow blogger parajunkee design a yoga type theme for my blog upgrade.
6) What do you think of your Nook?  Do you think e-reading will ever replace normal reading?
I love my nook!!! The format and size is perfect. I also enjoy all the complementary books B&N gives away. I don’t think there will ever be a time that I don’t have “real” books as well. I hope e-reading doesn’t do away with real books. The lower cost of e-books lets me try a lot more authors and that usually translates to me buying more of their books. I hope e-books also help save more trees but then again there is e-waste to deal with, no easy answers! I’m now getting 90% of my books as e-books.

Keep on reading!:

  1. BBAW Day 1: First Treasure

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