February 2025
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BBAW: Blog Status and Improvements

BBAW_Celebrate_BooksI’m going to give up on the fifty word limit right now, I don’t think I’m ever going to express where I think my blog is and where it’s going in that tiny little bit of space.  I’ll try not to make it too long though.

I also want to give a huge congratulations to everyone who won a BBAW award or was shortlisted.  I’ve been congratulating on twitter, but you all deserve a shout out here as well!

On to today’s topic: I’m not sure what I like about my own blog.  I don’t think I do anything better or different than anyone else and I often think of myself as just a little blog in the midst of a whole lot of awesome great ones.  I still think this is true (and I don’t mind either; I know I could put more work in but I’ve prioritized other things), but Monday made clear to me that a lot of you do like hanging around here and I’m amazed and pleased and grateful that so many of you mentioned me.  Even the breaking of my headphones couldn’t wipe the smile off my face!  Anyway, it seems like what I do best is provide info on historical fiction and history, so I’m happy about that.  I also think my reviewing has improved since last year; my reviews have gotten longer and I think I’m better able to express how I felt than I used to be.  I’ve been proud of a few of my reviews in the past few months and I don’t recall feeling that before.

What needs work?  Well, I want to expand what I do.  I know I review a lot, but I’ve often thought of coming up with my own weekly feature.  Not a meme, because there are so many of those, but something I can just have on my own blog.  I was going to do a weekly medieval feature, but then I got sick of my own classes pretty quickly and didn’t want to spend blog time thinking about what I spent all the rest of my time thinking about.  I still want to do something that’s historical, so at the moment I’m planning on reading more history and sharing some of what I learn here every week; something like Tuesday Teasers except from history.  I also was thinking of requesting guest posts from other bloggers on why they love historical fiction or their first historical fiction novel.  I know a few of the other historical sites feature authors, but why not bloggers?  My other improvement idea was to host a challenge, and so far that’s definitely a go, and I’d like to thank everyone who commented for their enthusiasm.  I’ll be posting a preliminary list of book choices in the next couple of months and the sign-ups will be in December.

So, that was a lot of ideas, albeit not too original ones!  If you’d like to be featured here talking about why you love historical fiction or history, shoot me an email at meghankk at gmail dot com.  I’m thinking posts somewhat like Keira did last weekend for her birthday.  If you have historical periods you’d like me to read about, again, send an email my way.  I have two libraries as of Monday and a whole lot of free time until I can apply for a more permanent visa, so I’m sure I can come up with something!


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