Welcome to the first day of BBAW 2010! If you don’t know what all this is about, check out the official site. Today’s prompt:
We invite you to share with us about a great new book blog you’ve discovered since BBAW last year! If you are new to BBAW or book blogging, share with us the very first book blog you discovered. Tell us why this blog rocks your socks off and why you keep going back for more.
One of my favorite book blogging discoveries this year has to be Leah at Amused By Books. It took me a shamefully long time to get around to actually visiting her blog after she’d commented on mine, but once I did I was hooked! I honestly wish I had more time to visit blogs these days and when I do, hers will be one of the first on my list. Leah’s taste in reading seems pretty similar to mine and I really enjoy her reviews. Discovering her blog reminded me that I really need to get out there and visit some new bloggers, especially if they are all this great!
I also would be totally remiss if I didn’t mention that a friend of mine has started blogging in the last year, Amanda at Opinions of a Wolf; it’s kind of obvious that I’d love her blog, but if you haven’t discovered it yourself you should! She is a fantastic librarian and writes some wonderful posts and reviews. Go visit, you won’t regret it!
Both of these blogs are new to me, so I will definitely be checking them out!
Stephanie´s last post …BBAW Day 1
I already read Leah, but I have to check out your friend. I love that blog title!
Beth F´s last post …BBAW- Discovering Bloggers around the Globe and Giveaway
Leah’s blog is great!
I have not ever visited either of these blogs, but it sounds like I would love them! Off to investigate! Thanks!
zibilee´s last post …Prousts Overcoat- The True Story of One Mans Passion for All Things Proust by Lorenza Foschini
I recently discovered Amused by Books too!
I like both these blogs- I just discovered them recently.
Chris@bookarama´s last post …Book Blogger Appreciation Week- First Treasure
Great picks! I’m now following Amused By Books.
Debbie’s World of Books´s last post …BBAW- Monday Treasures
I love the photo at the top of your blog!
Zoe @ Playing by the book´s last post …Book Blogger Appreciation Week – First Treasure and a Giveaway!
Leah was one of my “new treasures” as well.
Florinda´s last post …BBAW- New Treasures – Book Blog Discoveries
These are both new to me! I thank you for spotlighting them, although my reader just groaned a little bit at yet more feeds!
Marg´s last post …Teaser Tuesday- An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon
I only just started following Amused by Books after the BBAW voting–great blog!
I haven’t visited either of these blogs, but if you recommend them highly, then I need to definitely go visit. Pity, I have so less time these days to read blogs
Nishita´s last post …Barbie vs Spiderman or I Hate Gender Stereotyping
Thank you so much for mentioning my blog – that is so sweet of you!
Amused´s last post …BBAW – Unexpected Treasure