It’s interview day of BBAW 2011 and Jenn of The Picky Girl and I were paired. We decided to do a bit of a twist on the normal interview format and instead answer questions with book titles (explanation allowed) – just for a little creativity. I had of course seen Jenn and visited her blog before, but for some reason never really connected with her until now. Of course, I’ve now added her blog to my Google Reader and fully intend to keep up with her posts.
Her answers to my questions are below!
1. If you could choose one book title to sum up how you feel right now, what would it be?
I feel like one of the Scribbling Women (Marthe Jocelyn) as I have lots of blog writing, grading, and editing to do this afternoon.
2. How would you like to be remembered?
Among the Mad (Jacqueline Winspear), as in the Austen quote: “Run mad as often as you choose, but do not faint.”
3. What’s your favourite kind of place (for reading or in general)?
I like to be surrounded by An Object of Beauty (Steven Martin), and I try to cultivate beautiful, meaningful pieces in my home. This can be old maps, a snapshot of my brother, sister, and I or a vintage chest.
4. I think it’s appropriate for this week – how would you describe the book blogging community?
This is a toss up because the book blogging community has given me Attachments (Rainbow Rowell), people I would never have met otherwise, but bloggers themselves have given me Stories for the Nighttime and Some for the Day (Ben Loory), introducing me to books I may never have seen, and for both of those aspects of blogging, I am truly grateful.
5. What are your goals for the year ahead?
In general, it’s to do focus on doing Whatever You Love (Louise Doughty) because …why not?
6. How would you describe your relationship with books? Have you always been a reader?
I have always been a reader, since I was very young, so I’d have to say my life after reading is best described as Everything Beautiful Began After (Van Booy) because reading and books and talking about reading and books makes me incredibly happy and mindful of the beauty around me.
Fun way to do the interview swap!
Marg´s last post …BBAW Interview swap – Welcome Bonjour, Cass!
What a cool way to do your interview! I follow Jenn on Twitter and visit her blog.
Beth F´s last post …Imprint Extra: Celebrating Good Books & Giveaway
I loved this interview! Great questions. Wonderful answers!
Reading the interviews is so much fun! I am learning so much about the book bloggers..
Here is my post:
BBAW 2011: Interview Swap
What a fun way to change up the interview!
What a fabulous and creative interview!!
bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …Guest post and giveaway: Mark Mustian
This was such a wonderful way to do an interview and just so creative. Thanks for sharing this. It was wonderful!
zibilee´s last post …The Oracle of Stamboul by Michael David Lucas — 320 pgs
I like the twist you two used. Great idea!
Stephanie´s last post …BBAW Day 2: Interviews
What a great idea for an interview, Meghan! I met Jenn last fall at the Texas Book Festival but we didn’t start to really connect until recently on twitter. I love her Fridays at Home features on her blog!
Trish´s last post …BBAW 2011 Giveaway!! Puffin Children’s Classics
What a fun approach to the interview!
Both you and Jenn are bloggers I feel I should interact with more. Hopefully, from now on..
Iris´s last post …Interview With In Spring The Dawn’s Nat
GREAT idea for a Q&A! I adore your blog and Jenn’s, so it was good to see you two paired up.
Andi´s last post …Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I love the creative, unique way you and Jenn decided to do the interview. Not only is this entertaining and fun bnut I was reminded of some books and authors I want to read!
Now I’m off to Jenn’s blog to read your answers!
Amy´s last post …BBAW Interview Swap ~ Gayle from Everyday I Write the Book
This is a really clever spin on the interview process – it’s fantastic!
Beth´s last post …I have a job (and it hurts…)
I love this clever approach to interviewing. So appropriate, where book bloggers and readers are involved! It was fun getting to meet you guys through this creative approach.
Erin´s last post …BBAW: Meet Lisa from Lit and Life!
How fun and clever! Loved the Attachments reverence.
I love the interview format. Very creative.
Amber Stults´s last post …BBAW Daily Topic: Interviews
Meghan – Thanks so much! I had a great time figuring out our interview questions. Thanks for being game for something different.
jenn aka the picky girl´s last post …BBAW Interview: Meghan from Medieval Bookworm
I love this interview- so creative! Jenn is a great blogger and it’s fun to get to know her a little better!