I’m willing to admit that I was a little surprised when the Book Blogger Appreciation Week shortlists came out because I thought they were missing a ton of amazing blogs that I love.* I obviously can’t share all of these blogs with you because we’d be here all day. After all, I have over 300 blogs in my Google Reader, and I love them all or I wouldn’t be reading them. You are all my favorites. I do, however, want to recognize a few bloggers from a variety of genres who make my day a little brighter every time they post.
- Devourer of Books – Jen’s was one of the first blogs I started reading way back in the day. Our tastes are so similar that I know that if she likes a book, I’m going to like it too, which is a fabulous gift. Sometimes I feel like we use the same theme for a reason!
- The Burton Review – Marie and I are shortly going to be sharing the same last name (no relation though), so how could we not love each other’s blogs? I discovered her blog a few months ago and just can’t get enough. And she loves history too! I’m only sorry I didn’t find her sooner.
- Heidenkind’s Hideaway – Tasha is one of the friendliest bloggers I’ve ever met and I have loved practically every feature she introduces! I also love her honest reviews and the versatility of her blog. Museums, art history, regular old books; you’ll find it here.
- Literate Housewife – Jennifer is another blogger I have been following since I found book blogs, and there is a reason. She’s a wonderful writer AND she makes the cutest bookmarks ever. What more could you want?
- Love Romance Passion – I just featured Keira on my blog yesterday and with good reason. I love her blog. She’s always bringing up great issues in romance, featuring other bloggers and authors, hosting great interviews, and telling it like it is with her reviews. She’s incredibly friendly and helpful, too.
- Passages to the Past – Amy is a fantastic historical fiction blogger. She reviews the most interesting releases and always points me in the direction of great books I want to read. I can’t tell you how much my wishlist has grown thanks to her.
- Stella Matutina – I am so pleased that I’ve been following Memory’s blog since it first started. I love her style of reviewing! She also reads a lot of fantasy and I really need to read more fantasy these days. Her blog is where I get all my dangerous ideas!
I encourage you to visit all of these blogs if you haven’t already! Don’t forget to take this opportunity to recognize your own favorite blogs who, for whatever reason, didn’t make the short list. I’m sorry I couldn’t include everyone, but if you’re reading this, I bet I love your blog too!
*Many of my favorites DID make the short lists, but they’re getting recognition!
I don’t know if I should thank you or not! I just added 2 new blogs to my reader!
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..BBAW: Spotlight Meme and Giveaway =-.
Haha same here… lol I’m that much closer to 300 blogs!
Hi, I want to say hello after reading about your blog from Beth’s post. I enjoy reading your blog!
Happy BBAW!
.-= Melody´s last blog ..My Kick-off BBAW Post: Favourite Books and A Giveaway =-.
I know most. And ones I don’t I will add to my reader!
Musing/Mailbox Mondays
And do look up here:
BBAW: My very own shortlist
Oh I love Memory’s blog too.
And hey, come and visit me whenever you feel like it – I have the same last name too! Us Burtons have to stick together! haha
.-= Aimee´s last blog ..Audrey Niffenegger on her new book ‘Her Fearful Symmetry’ =-.
Yay, another Burton! I’m so excited to go from having a really obscure unpronounceable last name to a common one everyone knows! I’ve added your blog to my reader, expect me to pop by soon. =)
I haven’t been to Memory’s blog. I’ll have to check it out.
.-= Chris@bookarama´s last blog ..BBAW: It Begins =-.
Aww, thanks! You made my shortlist too. Yes, this is partly because I focused on history/historical fiction blogs, but even if I hadn’t, you’d have still made my shortlist.
.-= Jen – Devourer of Books´s last blog ..BBAW: My Own, Personal Shortlist =-.
There are several here that I am unfamiliar with. I look forward to checking them this week.
I gave you a shout out today on my BBAW post
.-= Molly´s last blog ..BBAW – the long list =-.
Thank you, Meghan! There are a couple on there that I’m unfamiliar with; I can’t wait to check them out. So many book blogs, so little time!
.-= Memory´s last blog ..BBAW: A Small Selection of Awesome Bloggers =-.
Thanks for pointing out Passages to the Past – that is one that I’m going to add to my Google Reader right now!
.-= Heather J.´s last blog ..BBAW: Welcome! ***sticky post *** =-.
Great list! I read some of these, but haven’t heard of others. I’m checking them out now!
.-= S. Krishna´s last blog ..BBAW: Spotlight on Blogs! =-.
I’ve heard of most of these. I think I picked some unusual ones.
.-= Bluestocking´s last blog ..Some of my Favorite Book Blogs =-.
I highlighted both the Literate Housewife and Devourer of Books in my blog as well. Both ladies have fantastic blogs!
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..BBAW: Day One! =-.
So many great blogs out there! I agree, it would take forever to highlight them all. You’ve noted some wonderful blogs. One is completely new to me (well, was until yesterday). I’m having such fun seeing everyone’s lists!
.-= Literary Feline´s last blog ..BBAW: Some Blogger Love =-.
Great list. I’m really enjoying everyone’s “shortlists” today.
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..BBAW: My Shortlist =-.
You are getting short list love all over the place today! You really deserve it, too.
.-= Jen – Devourer of Books´s last blog ..Nothing But Ghosts – Book Review =-.
AWW Thanks so much Meghan… I didn’t mention your name this morning only because I can’t tell if you are trying to focus on Romance these days are not, and then for some reason I thought that you were indeed shortlisted. So I am going to edit my post to include you right now. But trust me, you did cross my mind when I was naming my HF Blogs so that’s where I’m sticking you.
I hope you get a chance to stop by this week for HF Blogger Round Table posts, lots of interesting things going on!
.-= Marie Burton´s last blog ..Historical Fiction Bloggers Round Table, Featuring Hist-Fic Chick, Mary Queen of Scots, Cleopatra’s Daughter Giveaway! =-.
Glad to be visiting here for the BBAW.
.-= Heather´s last blog ..From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by e.l. konigsburg =-.
What a great list, Meghan. I love what you wrote, “After all, I have over 300 blogs in my Google Reader, and I love them all or I wouldn’t be reading them.” That’s exactly how I felt!
.-= Belle´s last blog ..BBAW: Raindrops on Roses … A Few of My Favorite Book Blogs! =-.
great list of blogs. I follow some of them…I’ll be checking out the others. I hope you’ll check out my list and my first giveaway of the week.
.-= Serena (Savvy Verse & Wit)´s last blog ..FU, Penguin by Matthew Gasteier =-.
Thank you so much! I’ve I’m remembered some day for my bookmarks, I will be a happy (albeit dead) woman. LOL! You know I love your blog, too. Please keep doing what you do. It makes me and so many others so very happy.
.-= Literate Housewife´s last blog ..Literate Housewife Seal of Approval =-.
You featured some great blogs here! I agree with your choices.
.-= Alyce´s last blog ..BBAW Giveaway #5 – Hurry Down Sunshine =-.
Great choices and congrats on being mentioned on several other blogs today!
.-= Kim´s last blog ..We’re Giving Away What EVERY Reader and Book Blogger Needs! =-.
….adding more blogs to reader….=)
.-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..Review – A Life Well Read =-.
That’s a great list! I just visited Love, Romance, Passion, and for sure it’s being added to my feed reader! I don’t read romance much, but for some reason I love reading great romance blogs!
.-= Kay´s last blog ..BBAW : My own little Shortlist =-.
This is so awesome Meghan, thank you! I’ve followed you and been inspired by you since I began my blog, so thank you for being so wonderful!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..non-fiction release on Sophia of Hanover =-.