The goal is to answer all of these questions in five words or less. If you prefer, you can instead answer one or two questions in detail.
Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of
writing in books horrify you?
It horrifies me.
How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book flat open?
Adore bookmarks, but often open.
Fiction, Non-fiction, or both?
Definitely both.
Hard copy or audiobooks?
Hard copy!
Are you a person who tends to read to the end of chapters, or are you
able to put a book down at any point?
I find a natural stopping point.
If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop to look it up right away?
Nope, I guess on context.
What are you currently reading?
God is an Englishman by R.F. Delderfield
What is the last book you bought?
Catching Fire and Dead to the World
Are you the type of person that only reads one book at a time or can
you read more than one at a time?
Depends on mood.
Do you have a favorite time of day and/or place to read?
Anywhere quiet!
Do you prefer series books or stand alone books?
Is there a specific book or author that you find yourself recommending over and over?
Not particularly, tell me if otherwise!
How do you organize your books? (By genre, title, author’s last name, etc.?)
Alphabetically, author last name.
I like your answer to favorite place or time of day! I like a natural stopping point too.
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..BBAW: Brevity Game and Giveaway =-.
Interesting book you are reading..
BBAW: Reading meme
.-= gautami tripathy´s last blog ..A-Z Wednesday: From A to X by John Berger =-.
I feel like you’ve recommend Sharon Kay Penman to me more than once. Great answers!
.-= S. Krishna´s last blog ..BBAW: Reading Meme =-.
I would ditto the Penman, S. Krishna, as I mentioned Penman in my BBAW Reading Meme here.
Meghan, I am SO glad to know that maiming your books horrifies you as well!! And I am a devout hard copy believer also.
.-= Marie Burton´s last blog ..HF Bloggers~ Day 3~ Kathy Lynn Emerson Guest Post & Giveaway =-.
I organize my books in alphabetical order by author’s last name too.
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..BBAW Day Three Meme =-.
Marking horrifies me too. Great answers!
.-= Chris@bookarama´s last blog ..The White Queen by Philippa Gregory: Review =-.
Oh you both catching Fire, i do wanna read that one
.-= blodeuedd´s last blog ..BBAW Reading Meme and ABC meme =-.
I don’t think I’ve ever thought about organizing my books by authors’ name! Mind you, I don’t think much about organizing my books ever, except Library books, TBR and Already read. Do you leave a gap in the shelf after each letter for future new acquisitions?
.-= Belle´s last blog ..BBAW: Me and My Reading Habits – And a Giveaway! =-.
Nope, I shift all the books down to fit in the new one. This would be annoying except I love organizing my books in new ways and moving them around, which I’ve only realized is very strange after reading how many people just toss them on the shelves!
We organize our books the same!
.-= claire´s last blog ..Reading Meme =-.
Don’t you recommend Jacqueline Carey all the time?
I have my CD’s organized by last name (and they go from left to right, which is kind of odd), but my book I leave totally unorganized. I do try to group series together, but that’s about it.
.-= heidenkind´s last blog ..Me & Melody Lee–BBAW Interview =-.
Good for you for organizing your books! It’s more than I can do.
.-= Marie´s last blog ..BBAW Reading Meme =-.
I can read anywhere quiet, too, but if I’m really engrossed in a book, I can totally block out the world.
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..BBAW – Reading Meme =-.
I love reading everyone’s answers. I prefer hard copy to audio books, too, although I do listen to audio on occasion.
.-= Yvonne´s last blog ..BBAW: You and Your Reading Habits =-.
LOL–I’m the exact opposite! I love stand alone books. Takes me too long to read through series.
.-= Trish´s last blog ..BBAW Bookish Meme =-.
I wish I were organized enough to shelve my books by author! I can barely manage to squeeze them in by series.
.-= Memory´s last blog ..BBAW: A Bookish Meme =-.
You are the first person who said you like series vs standalone books!

You must recommend some author for us
I am so glad I came across your blog through BBAW
I will be a stalker of your blog
.-= Veens´s last blog ..Wednesday Cover Attractions! =-.
Yes! Another person who alphabetizes their books by the author’s last name! I’m so happy to have found so many people who organize their books the way I do! What a great meme! *L*
.-= Alexia561´s last blog ..BBAW Reading Meme =-.
I am glad to see lots of people don’t use dictionaries! It’s not just me! lol
.-= Kailana´s last blog ..BBAW – Reading Meme =-.
Alphabetical by author? You make me sick. LOL!! Feel free to come to Virginia and hook me up. Trouble is, as with all of my other attempts at organization, I end up messing them up anyway. Could you come by once a year?
.-= Literate Housewife´s last blog ..BBAW Reading Meme =-.
I organize by fav – not fav shelves, drawers, floor space… lol Don’t you love my system?
.-= Keira´s last blog ..BBAW: Reading Meme =-.
Love this meme so much that I have also participated
Love your responses as well
.-= Nish´s last blog ..Can you Keep a Secret? – Book Review =-.
I enjoyed reading your answers. I wish I had a quiet place to read. I used to need quiet, but after you have kids, you adapt I guess. LOL
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Interview With Susan Higginbotham, Author of HUGH AND BESS =-.
You can tell how behind I am when I’m still commenting on BBAW posts.
I prefer a natural stopping point too. I hate it when I have to stop elsewhere. Usually it’s because I doze off or am interrupted.
.-= Literary Feline´s last blog ..Review: A Disobedient Girl by Ru Freeman & a Giveaway =-.