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BBAW: What Does Book Blogging Mean to You?

bbaw 2012Book blogging has changed in its meaning over the years for me. I’ve been doing this for five years now, and I think these past couple of years have been the most difficult. Blogging when I was a student was easy. I am very good at time management, so even though I worked hard, I had plenty of time to spend reading and reviewing. I had a lot of creativity just waiting to be unleashed, and the time and the opportunity to explore it. I made friends and felt like I was a real part of the community, and I think I was, for a while. It was a much needed outlet and I felt that my blog was valuable. While this was never the aim, it got me my first job, and played a part in my second. I’ve met and spent time with some of you, and every minute of that time has been delightful.

Lately, though, I’ve had genuine difficulty keeping up with my blog. I struggle to squeeze in the time to write reviews. I already barely have the time and the will to reply to emails, let alone actually write. I find myself busy on evenings and weekends, generally with things I enjoy, but I’m struggling to find a place for my blog. I find my day job incredibly draining, which means I normally want to spend my weekends away from the PC, or playing a game, or going for walks, or doing something that doesn’t involve staring at a screen. My creativity gets sapped out at work and I tend to find myself instead longing to read, rather than write one of the many reviews I have piled up. I worry that blogging is going to start feeling like a chore. If I’m honest, writing reviews, unless I’m passionate about the book, sometimes does. I still love reading others’ blogs and learning about new books, but sometimes, it’s hard with my own, and I’m not sure how to change things around to capture the pure enjoyment of it.

That said, I have no plans to stop blogging, and I don’t see myself stopping any time soon. Because when it’s good, it’s really good. I still cherish the people that I know through blogging. I still dream of attending BEA. I still need to practice writing, because I no longer do it for a living, and I like that I’m good at my language. And, when it comes down to it, I still absolutely love talking about books. I still don’t get that from any other aspect of my life, and in truth, it’s one thing I don’t want to give up. So, I hope that while I’m here chattering away, there are still a few of you out there who will be interested in my opinion, and who will be happy to talk books with me. As long as you’re reading, I’ll still be writing, and I appreciate every last one of you.

What keeps you blogging?

Keep on reading!:

  1. BBAW 2011: Community part 1

12 comments to BBAW: What Does Book Blogging Mean to You?

  • Is it selfish to say I’m happy this isn’t a goodbye post? I know I haven’t being reading your blog long but I like it a lot and would be sad to see it go. I think the nice thing is that we can blog whenever we like, take breaks etc, which is important when it starts feeling like a chore (I’m with you there, reviews sometimes can feel like it). I love that you got a job with the help of blogging!

  • What Charlie said – while I understand losing motivation and feeling like blogging has become a bit of a chore, I’d miss your blog so much if you quit. Something that helped me over the last couple of years was no longer reviewing every single book I read. These days if I don’t feel motivated to write about a book, I just let it go. Writing is so much easier and more enjoyable when the book in question provokes a strong reaction in me (and this can be either positive or negative). I really hope you manage to find a way to balance things. And as long as you keep writing, we’ll definitely be here reading.
    Ana @ things mean a lot´s last post …Change (Or: See you soon!)

  • You’re still a part of the book blogging community! Maybe you can modify your review format when you don’t have the time/inspiration to write much.
    bermudaonion(Kathy)´s last post …Wondrous Words Wednesday

  • I think you are absolutely part of the blogging community! But I know what you mean about how finding the time to blog and stressing over it. I’m still here reading pretty much every day. I haven’t been commenting much this year though because I’ve been so busy with work.
    Beth F´s last post …Wordless Wednesday 198

  • I think there have been times for many of us where we have to sit back and reevaluate where we are at. I found that I needed to step back a bit from the obligations and so I no longer feel that I need to review everything, and I also ended up trying new things.

    I am glad that this isn’t a goodbye post!
    Marg´s last post …BBAW Day 3: What does book blogging mean to me (with a special guest)

  • I am right there with you, Meghan. My life changed in a major way when I had the baby–and then add to that the postpartum depression–and going back to work. The game changed–my life changed–and I’m still trying to find my new normal. I really miss being a part of the community. I just don’t have it in me to keep up like I once did. Accepting that has been hard. Meanwhile, I’ve had some clarity more recently in the direction I want to go. We’ll see. I’m not ready to give up book blogging yet. Or rather, it’s not ready to let go of me. :-)
    Literary Feline´s last post …BBAW: What Book Blogging Means to Me

  • I sense that a lot of us are feeling the same kind of burnout, but we stick with it because of each other, and the books that we love. Sometimes we need to stretch our legs, and take a break, but we always seem to come back. I hope that you feel a sense of renewal very soon, because I love your reviews, and you have pointed me towards so many great books that I would have never found without you!
    zibilee´s last post …Wolf Hall by Hillary Mantel — Audiobook Review

  • I’m so glad this isn’t a goodbye also!! I read this blog a lot – rarely comment, because I always feel like “great post!” isn’t helpful – but maybe I should comment more often to let you know how much I appreciate your reviews. It can be really hard to find good books to read – with so many good choices, it’s hard to figure out where to spend the time. Your reviews have helped me with that a lot, so I’m really glad to have you here!!

  • Great post! I feel the same way, I work full-time as well as blog, so I have to make extra effort to blog some days because I come home and and so drained. I found your blog via the BBAW. This is my first year participating and I’m so glad that I am because it has given me the opportunity to find so many great blogs. I write a children’s book blog. It’s: http://www.storytimebooks.wordpress.com. Feel free to check it out if you’d like. I’ll be back to visit your blog!
    Chauntelle´s last post …Book Blogger Appreciation Week Day 3: What does blogging mean to you?

  • You’re still part of the community, Meghan, even if you don’t have as much time for it as you used to. And you participate in event like BBAW, the Readathon, and Bloggiesta. I understand feeling like your job is draining the will to live from your body and not being able to face a computer screen anymore, believe me. But we’ll always be here when you read a great a book and want to share it and vice-versa!
    heidenkind´s last post …BBAW: Day in the Life of a Book Blogger

  • I just want to second the suggestion not to think about reviewing every book you read. And I would definitely miss you if you left, so even if you can only post every once in awhile, I hope you will!
    Amy @ My Friend Amy´s last post …BBAW Day 4: Pimp That Book

  • This is exactly where I was last year, work sapping ability to blog. I haven’t really got back to the levels I was blogging at to begin with (and commenting doesn’t happen so much) but because I’m talking to bloggers in e-mails and on twitter + seeing a few offline sometimes I still feel connected to the community.

    I hope you find a way to make the blog work with your life, because I love seeing new posts from you pop up (especially your photo posts about travelling). And one of the nicest things about book blogging has been that it’s led me to meet you offline. Seriously it was magical how easy I found it to talk to you (not a secret – I am generally awkward with new people).