September 2024
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Classics Challenge 2008

It appears that I’m going to have a lot of time this summer until I leave for grad school in the fall. I haven’t managed to find a job, probably due to the economy and my location and my pesky sense of honesty about how long I’m going to be here, so I might as well embark on another challenge.

The 2008 Classics Challenge begins next month, on July 1st, and continues until December 31st. I don’t actually have that many unread classics, but I have enough for the rules of this challenge, which since I’m following option 1, are simple. I’m to read five classics, plus one “modern” classic of my choice, in the time given. My choices are:

My Antonia, Willa Cather
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Mabinogion, Mair Jones
Adam Bede, George Eliot
Emma, Jane Austen
A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth (as my modern classic)

That last one may change – I have a lot of the modern classic options, so it depends more on what I feel like at the moment! I would like to read it though, so it’s on there for now. In addition, rereads are allowed, so I might actually decide to reread Jane Eyre or The Age of Innocence (my favorite books) just because I can, but we’ll see! I’m looking forward to reading these books.


3 comments to Classics Challenge 2008

  • Thanks for joining! I’ll be reading My Antonia as well…so I look forward to your thoughts on the book!

  • Meghan

    Thanks for hosting the challenge! Glad to know you’re reading one of the same books, I like see other perspectives. =)

  • Probably my fav of those, oddly enough, is “Gilgamesh”. I had to read it for both “World Literature” and “Myths of the World”. It’s amazing to know that we still read that story when it’s so old :)