Hi folks! As the post title says, I’ve elected to give up blogging for the next month while I focus on NaNoWriMo. I haven’t successfully completed a novel since I started working, so I really want to reverse that trend. I just don’t think I can do both blogging and writing this much. I also think know I badly need a longer term break from blogging. If I write anything bloggy-oriented, it will wait until December. So, here we go with both of them, and I’ll see you all December 1st!
Good luck with Nano even though I will miss you blogging. We’ll just have to try e-mail to keep in touch until the NY
Good luck with Nano
I can imagine not being able to do both that and blogging at the same time.
Good luck with NaNoWriMo! I’ve never really wanted to write a novel, but I love how passionate people get about it (and hearing about their progress). Enjoy the blogging break, and we’ll see you when you get back
Good luck! I look forward to buying your novel!!
bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …Review: Practice to Deceive
YAY for NaNoWriMo!! I am also going to try to complete 50,000 words this month.
I wish you all the best
Molly´s last post …Dare I try again?
Good luck! Have a wonderful time with it!
Jenny @ Reading the End´s last post …Reading the End Bookcast, Ep.10: Comfort Books, Listen to the Nightingale, and Spooky Stories
Good luck!!!
Tif´s last post …The Shining: Book vs Movie
Good luck!
Amy @ My Friend Amy´s last post …Just Some Stuff