February 2025
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Midway through Hour 2

I finished How I Live Now, so I thought now was a good time to do the intro meme and see what everyone else is up to!  First, here’s how I’ve done so far:

Number of Books 1 Books Read
Pages Read 167 How I Live Now
Time Spent Reading 1:28
Time Spent Blogging #########

And the meme:

Where are you reading from today?

I am reading from my new flat in Beverley, East Yorkshire.

3 facts about me …

This is the one I’m bad at:

1. I like cats.

2. My favorite color is yellow (I may have used this one before …)

3. I like cheese and I like hamburgers but I don’t like cheeseburgers.

How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?

At the moment, there are fifteen left.  No, I will not read all of them.  I just like choices!

Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?

I’d like to read six books again.  I’d aim for seven but I think Germinal will slow me down too much. Reading more than 12 hours would be nice too.

If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, Any advice for people doing this for the first time?

Keep snacks around, choose short books, move around so you don’t feel bored and stifled in one spot!  I have different rooms to read in this time and I’m very excited about it.

How is everyone else doing, if you’ve had a chance to check posts??  Amazingly, my husband is also reading (I gave him The Sparrow, so I shouldn’t be too shocked) so it’s nice and quiet around here.  I’ll be back in a few hours, next up is my 50 pages of Germinal and then probably On the Edge by Ilona Andrews.

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