I am so glad to see the back end of April! It was one crazy month, with no less than 3 business trips and a visit to the US to see my parents. Amazingly, my plans for May don’t involve leaving York, and I am thrilled about that for once! I have the rest of the year to take more time off and travel, so I’m grateful for a few weeks and weekends just at home.
This travel meant that I actually did a lot of reading, but little to no reviewing. I managed to read 16 books in April, including rereading 4 Harry Potter books. I have a lot to catch up on, but we’ve got a 3 day weekend ahead, and I am very much looking forward to having an extra day to relax and get everything in order. So these reviews will be appearing in May.
- Girl Reading, Katie Ward
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, J.K. Rowling
- The King’s Agent, Donna Russo Morin
- When She Woke, Hilary Jordan
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
- One for the Money, Janet Evanovich
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowling
- A Night Like This, Julia Quinn
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J.K. Rowling
- Chime, Franny Billingsley
- Discount Armageddon, Seanan McGuire
- I, Iago, Nicole Galland
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, J.K. Rowling
- Web of Lies, Jennifer Estep
- Mary Boleyn, Alison Weir
- Storyteller, Donald Sturrock
Favourites of the Month
I would whole-heartedly recommend all three of these books, and I simply can’t wait to tell you about Chime.
Ahead for May
As I mentioned, May is going to be a blissfully quiet month! I intend to finish my Harry Potter reread and move on to A Song of Ice and Fire. I’ve started watching A Game of Thrones (I am now fully caught up) and I’ve really been longing to read the series again. I hardly remember what’s happened now that we’ve moved on to the events of the second book, and I want to catch up. I’ve not had a chance to post about the Harry Potter reread, but I do plan to.
I’ve also given myself a temporary ban on buying books in May. I’m up to 522 unread books and that number needs to go down, and the money that I would normally use towards buying books can be channeled temporarily into other causes, like a potential trip with a couple of my college friends this summer.
Hopefully this means that my total unread count will go down. I have plenty of books I feel like I can’t wait to read, so I certainly won’t get bored. From last month, I still haven’t read Blackout by Connie Willis or The Girl King by Meg Clothier, both of which were on my list, and I’m also planning to read Everything Beautiful Began After by Simon Van Booy next.
Mainly, I’m looking forward to nicer weather, free time, and a little bit of relaxation without all that travelling!
What’s ahead for you this May?
A lot of the books on your list for this one have mysteriously found their way onto my wish list…don’t know how that happened
It looks like you had a great reading month over there! I hope May is wonderful as well!
I have so many unread books at home…it’s an addiction, I swear.
April dragged by for me. I was doing stuff, but most of it wasn’t stuff I enjoyed. I don’t know what May will bring!
Good luck with your TBR pile!
I also need to catch up with reviews from last month, due to me being away on holiday, but I didn’t even read half as much as you so good luck with that!
I am also watching the second series of Game of Thrones at the moment and am completely hooked. I have yet to read the books yets though, do have the first book on my tbr shelf and hope to get around to it soon.
I also have a massive TBR list, and should probably go on a book buying ban. But I don’t feel as bad, my TBR list is only around 400 books long…. that’s all! I hope to reread the Harry Potter Series this year and maybe start the Game of Thornes. Good luck with your goals!