Inspired by Trish’s post earlier today, I thought I would share a few of my recent crochet projects, little amigurumi dolls from the book Creepy Cute Crochet by Christen Haden. I saw this book on Amazon and knew I had to try making these!
I’ve been crocheting for as long as I can remember. It’s pretty much the only crafty talent I have. I actually have no idea when I started; all I know is that my mom and my grandma taught me and I crochet righty even though I’m a lefty. I tried to switch once I realized I was doing it wrong, figuring my stitches might be neater if I was using my dominant hand, with the help of a crochet book my future mother-in-law gave me, but it seemed crazy and difficult, so I’ve continued doing it backwards. Mostly I’ve crocheted blankets, flowers, and pillow covers that adorn my parents’ house, so when I learned about amigurumi, I was really excited. Something different! Yay!
I needed a little help getting these projects started. They use a magic circle rather than what I normally start out with to crochet in the round, but a video tutorial I found here really helped.
My first project was a little ninja for my fiance:
He was pretty easy to make! He was also one of the beginner projects. Apologies for the crappy flash, but you couldn’t see his sash without it. The next guy I made was a businessman doll for my dad to take to work with him.
I also made a little trojan warrior and a vampire before I had to actually do schoolwork again.
I’m really looking forward to making more. I don’t have the book with me anymore, but I have requested a couple from the local library. I’m also thinking about getting back into knitting, which I have actually forgotten how to do. It’s fun to devote time to something and have a tangible result at the end of it, so unlike the feel of all my grad school work these days!
Are you crafty? What do you make?
They are darling! My son would love the ninja!
Kathy’s last blog post..Review: Admission
I love those!! They’re awesome
I want to learn to knit and/or crochet. I know just what you mean about the satisfaction of devoting time to something and seeing a tangible result at the end. Crafty stuff I’ve been making lately: bookmarks, bead neckacles, little felt brooches.
Nymeth’s last blog post..The Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon by Tom Spanbauer
I’d love to make bookmarks! I know Jennifer @ The Literate Housewife does too. I’ll have to try it out one of these days.
Those are so cute! I’ve had a library request in for this book ever since I first heard of it, and now I’m even more eager to get my hands on it.
Memory’s last blog post..54. The Virtu by Sarah Monette
How do you knit?
I’m left handed, and I crochet left-handed; I finally figured out knitting last year once I discovered that I could knit left-handed continental. At the moment, I’m nearly done with a lace stole (knitted).
Word Lily’s last blog post..Land of Marvels by Barry Unsworth
I also learned to knit right-handed. When I re-learn, I’ll probably try to do it left-handed and see if it makes it easier! I remember struggling with it, but I think I was only about 12. Do you have any tips?
OMG those are so cute! I think I need that book.
OH SO CUTE!!! I love those they are way too adorable. I wish I could crochet…I can knit but not crochet Thanks for sharing.
bethany (B&b ex libris)’s last blog post..Linen, Wool, Cotton (& handmade giveaway!)
S. Krishna’s last blog post..First Comes Love, Then Comes Malaria – Eve Brown-Waite
OMG! How absolutely cute. What fun. Thanks for sharing them.
Beth F’s last blog post..Review: Queen Lucia by E. F. Benson
Oh my gosh! They are too cute! I just learned to crochet, but haven’t made anything other than long, long chains. I am still working out my stitches. I am going to go out and get this book, because I think the crafts inside are adorable. I hope it’s easy enough for me. I love the vampire the most. Maybe I will make my own little coven!
Zibilee’s last blog post..Following the Whispers – Creating a life of inner peace and acceptance from the depths of despair by Karen Walker – 172 pgs
How cute! I so wish I was crafty…but man am I ever not.
Amy @ My Friend Amy’s last blog post..Let’s Discuss the Book After
I cannot crochet to save my life…but my cousin and daughter are pretty good at it. I got a similar book for my daughter for Christmas – her and my cousin sat around all day trying to make those things=) It’s not as easy as it looks. You did a GREAT JOB!!! You should totally make some and have a contest here or something…or shoot, sell them! I would buy a King and Queen set!
The only thing that I do well craft-wise is cross-stitch.
Thanks for posting…they are so cute!
Amy @ Passages to the Past’s last blog post..Update to The Tory Widow Giveaway!!
Wow, those look amazing! Now I wish I knew how to crochet, but I can’t do anything. I can’t even sew a button on, I have to ask my husband to do it!
Michelle’s last blog post..REVIEW: Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen
This looks like a great idea. Can’t wait to try this. Will let you know.
Your crochet story brought back memories of when I was a child. My mom raised 5 girls and we all learned how to crochet. It was so much fun. For some reason we did not keep it up.
I might just start back again.
Glad I came to your post these are some really cute & endearing crochet works. Great work. Additionally thank you for referring the book creepy cute crochet, I am gonna get it soon. Cheers.
.-= crochet lessons´s last blog ..Pattern for sale- Felted Baby Slippers with Textured Sole … =-.