Amazingly, I read the exact same number of books in May as I did in April, which is 27. I’m extremely pleased with that, especially because I’ve signed up to read 30 books in June with Shauna for the Summer Reading Blitz. That’s only 3 more than I read this month, so if I stay on track with my dissertation, it’s a distinct possibility.
92. The English Patient – Michael Ondaatje
93. The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire – C. M. Mayo
94. Welcome to Temptation – Jennifer Crusie
95. The Well of Lost Plots – Jasper Fforde
96. The World in Half – Cristina Henriquez
97. The Vampire of Ropraz – Jacques Chessex
98. House of Leaves – Mark Z. Danielewski
99. The Founding – Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
100. Simply Unforgettable – Mary Balogh
101. The Reincarnationist – M.J. Rose
102. Silk – Alessandro Baricco
103. The Convenient Marriage – Georgette Heyer
104. Atlas of Unknowns – Tania James
105. The Ghost Brigades – John Scalzi
106. Undead and Unwelcome – MaryJanice Davidson
107. Starfinder – John Marco
108. The Bridge of the Golden Horn – Emine Sevgi Ozdamar
109. Moon Called – Patricia Briggs
110. Warrior Daughter – Janet Paisley
111. Shanghai Girls – Lisa See
112. Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict – Laurie Viera Rigler
113. Fugitive Pieces – Anne Michaels
114. The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane – Katherine Howe
115. Tethered – Amy MacKinnon
116. Simply Love – Mary Balogh
117. Beauty – Robin McKinley
118. Love Walked In – Marisa de los Santos
As you can see from the distinctly sparse number of links up there, most of these books have not been reviewed yet. The reviews have mostly been written and are waiting to be posted. I have a truly ridiculous backlog of reviews because I read so fast. I haven’t yet graduated to posting a review a day, but I’m almost there. My blog can at this point run without me for about a month. Logically, I’m not really expecting to slow down until I get married in October, at which point I will probably be grateful for the backlog!
My favorites:
At least, I think. It’s so hard to choose!
As far as my TBR pile goes, I read 20 of my own books this month and I acquired 15, so I cleared a total of 5. Not as good as last month; we’ll see how this one goes!
Did you read any fantastic books last month?
It is REALLY nice to have a backlog of stuff when you’re dealing with big life events like weddings. By the way, I’m extra impressed with the 27 books when you have stuff like “The English Patient” and “Last Prince of the Mexican Empire” on your list, those aren’t quick reads.
Jen – Devourer of Books’s last blog post..Belong To Me – Book Review and Giveaway
How in the world do you write your dissertation AND read 27 books in the course of a month? I am in awe. I haven’t found a job yet and I’m still only averaging about 4 books per month.
I didn’t really read any good books this past month, sadly. I finished Drood and that seems to have cursed me as far as book reading goes. Haha.
heidenkind’s last blog post..Reader Sites
I had a great reading month quality wise in May, even if it was only an average month quantity wise. I’m happy though.
Literary Feline’s last blog post..Interview with Author Mary Stanton, Angel’s Advocate
Everyone is raving about ‘The Physick Book…’ now – seems to be becoming a blog sensation. I am so impressed, when I was writing my dissertation I think I practically stopped reading for pleasure.
Jodie’s last blog post..Magyk – Angie Sage
I’m impressed by the number of books you read. There are some really good books in that list, so I’m looking forward to reading your reviews. I never have a backlog of more than 1 book, so if I ever take a blogging holiday I’m afraid there will be nothing to post!
Jackie (Farm Lane Books)’s last blog post..Lurkers – What would make you show your face?
If only I could be focused enough to read that many books. I slacked off this month. I ended up finishing 16. I am looking forward to Deliverance Dane. Glad to see that it was a favorite.
Nicole’s last blog post..Stop The Press! Have you really read that book you read?
Again with the awesome reading stats! Sounds like you read some great stuff, too.
Memory’s last blog post..89. The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith
What an incredible reading month!
Betty and Boo’s Mommy’s last blog post..Lightning Crashing Too Close to Home
You had a a great reading month. There are so many books here that I want to read, especially “The world in half”.
Oooh, I loved Love Walked In! Marisa de los Santos is amazing. If you haven’t already checked it out, grab Belong To Me — I actually think I liked it even better than the first novel!
Last month I fell in love with Megan McCafferty’s books, which makes me sound like a broken record again… but I can’t stop talking about them!
Megan’s last blog post..Happy blogoversary to me!
I’m gonna have to copy your method of numbering the books, that makes it so much easier to know the annual count. Although I’m severely lacking in comparison to you this year…
MJ @ Creative Madness’s last blog post..Maternity & Nursing: Posh Pads
I cannot wait to hear what you thought of House of Leaves. I could say more about it, but am going to wait until your review posts. =)
Elizabeth’s last blog post..Thursday Tunes
Congrats on a great reading month! I really liked both Beauty and Moon Called, too! Patricia Briggs has a good series there.
Kailana’s last blog post..Sunday Book Coveting – Living in a Fantasy World