February 2025
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On Not Blogging

It’s probably been about a week or so since I sat down and thought about a blog post.  This is very odd for me as I’m normally antsy about not having much non-review content around here.  I know I post a ridiculous number of reviews (and I read a ridiculous number of books) so I do like to post other things every so often.

I’ve been back in the UK since Sunday morning.  I’ve mostly existed in a fog of exhaustion since then.  I spent most of Sunday sleeping, although my fiance and I did manage to fill out our application for our Certificate of Approval.  If we’re accepted, we can finally get married.  We are planning on mid-to-late October and just hoping that there is still time for us when/if our application is approved.  I spent most of Monday traveling more and then working on my dissertation chapter, which I sadly neglected while I was home.  I had a great two weeks, most of which I spent with my parents since I won’t be seeing them again for so long and I didn’t have much time.  I did have an amazing day with a couple of my friends from college in New York City.  Here’s a shot from Central Park:

img_1396I did manage to read quite a few review books, which had piled up while I was gone, but I haven’t been as speedy with the reviews as I would have liked.  I have 10 reviews to write and I read two of the books before I even got home, so I should probably get cracking.  My dissertation chapter is my top priority at the moment, though, and needs to be finished by tonight (I’ve done most of it so this isn’t a problem), so they may be waiting a little longer.

I also wanted to point everyone’s attention over to Book Blogger Appreciation Week, a weeklong celebration of book blogging, complete with giveaways and awards.  This event, one of My Friend Amy‘s wonderful ideas, is a ton of fun and introduced me to so many new bloggers the first time around last year.  I even won best history/historical fiction blog, about which I was incredibly thrilled and flattered.  Now that I’m a bit more informed about the blogosphere, I’m even more amazed, and I have several theories as to which blog will win this award in September.  Nominations for awards are now open and I encourage you all to go over there, register, vote, and get excited!

Lastly, just a quick reminder that I am still running two giveaways.  You can enter here for a signed, autographed copy of Pope Joan, and here for a paperback copy of The Spies of Warsaw. I’ll be announcing another giveaway tomorrow, so stay tuned.


12 comments to On Not Blogging

  • Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for your certificate and hope you make it back to the USA to see your parents sooner than you think.

    Don’t stress about the blog right now because the dissertation should come first.

  • Sounds like you had a great trip. Where are you from originally? NYC? I’ve been so sporadic with blogging lately just because I’ve had so many things going on. I wouldn’t worry about it if I was you. Finish that chapter!

  • Oh, I so hope that you get your dissertation done on time and your marriage certificate very, very soon. You don’t have to get the queen’s approval, do you? In The Virgin’s Daughters, Queen Elizabeth wouldn’t give it to anyone. I hope this Elizabeth is a LOT more accommodating. LOL!!

  • Take it easy on yourself. Recovering from jet lag isn’t easy. I hope all goes well and you get your approval soon.

  • I am currently reading Pope Joan and loving it. I hope to be done later today and plan to review it yet tonight.

    I am fairly new to this side of book blogging (actually really started getting into it this June) so the BBAW is very exciting for me to see who will be nominated! What a great way to help share great blogs out there…. I seriously had no idea there were so many! :)

  • Best of luck with your dissertation and with your Certificate of Approval. As I know from experience, the paperwork for getting married in a country not your own is…interesting – especially if both partners are of different nationalities.

  • Meg

    Yay — New York City! I’m so impressed you were able to read so much while you were away. And sending you good vibes as you work on your dissertation and wait for the certificate of approval (I’m not quite sure what that is, but if it involves marriage, it must be important!).

    I actually worry that I don’t have enough book-related content on my book blog… that I write too much about myself and my life. But I love reading “life posts” on my book blogs, too, so I figure — why not?! Plus, I can’t seem to read as fast as I’d like to!

  • Good luck getting the certificate, Meghan! I hope it’s approved soon. And hopefully your dissertation chapter is done by now and you can relax a little.

  • Central Park is gorgeous, huh? It’s been years since I’ve visited but I’ve been itching to go back. Good luck with the writing; I’m sure everything will go very smoothly.

  • Good luck with both the certificate and your dissertation, Meghan. Don’t worry about the posting, the rhythm and flow of it will come back to you. I always find myself having to ease back into routine when I get back from traveling.

  • You have to be approved in order to be married? Is that just a formality in UK? Why wouldn’t you be approved?

  • Glad you had such a nice visit back in the States; I’m sure your parents are happy to spend time with you.

    How long does the approval process usually take? Hoping it will go thru without a hitch (so you can get hitched!)