January 2025
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The Read-a-Thon is about to begin!

I’m all set to go!  Here are my final book selections for your perusal:

img_1183That one you can’t see is Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris, in case I just love Dead Until Dark.  I also threw in two last-minute review selections.  Tea and Other Ayama Na Tales is a book of short stories that I’m really looking forward to and I thought it might work for in-between-book reading.  I Had To Row Across the Ocean is now titled A Pearl in the Storm: How I Found My Heart in the Middle of the Ocean. I don’t know if it will make for good Read-A-Thon reading but it was released on April 7th and I’ve had it for months so I should probably get cracking.

Saying that, I’m planning on starting with Old Man’s War by John Scalzi.  I have just waited too long to read this book.  I had to resist picking it up all week.  The romance novels will probably wait until tonight when I can’t think very well.  I really doubt I’m going to make the 24 hours, but if I do fall asleep I hope I will wake up before 1 pm tomorrow so I can sneak in some more reading tomorrow morning.  I would like to read at least 4 books in the next 24 hours.

You’ll be able to find me on twitter every few hours throughout the day and night unless I fall asleep.  I’m keeping up through Tweet Grid, so if you don’t attach #readathon to your post or @ me, I will probably not be seeing your tweets today.  I expect to post after I’ve finished a book or if I need a break, maybe every 2-3 hours, so you can find me here for that as well.

Still not sure what I’m talking about?  Dewey’s 24 hour Read-a-Thon is described right here.


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