January 2025
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Book Blogger Appreciation Week Meme

If you haven’t signed up for Book Blogger Appreciation Week yet, what are you waiting for?  You only have a few days left to nominate all your favorite blogs.  Head here for all the details and sign up here.  In the meantime, Amy has come up with this meme for us to spread the word and share what’s great about BBAW!

1)  What was the highlight (something that happened, a post, an activity, etc.) of BBAW for you last year?

Somewhat obviously for me, the highlight was definitely my nomination and win for Best History/Historical Fiction blog.  I was (still am really) only a little blog and could not believe my luck.  There are so many great historical fiction and history blogs out there – I feel like I discover a new one every day!  I can’t wait to see who is nominated this year.  You can, of course, put me up for it again, but it’s entirely your choice.  ;)

2)  What is one new blog you discovered during BBAW last year?

I must have discovered a ton of blogs during BBAW, but the one I actually remember discovering and thinking how much I liked was Lezlie’s Books ‘N Border Collies, since she was up for the same award.  I was a subscriber immediately.  I know I discovered a ton more, but I’m having difficulty remembering just when I discovered most blogs.

3)  What tips would you share to help others get the most out of their BBAW experience?

Probably just keep up with the blog, don’t try to do everything, and enjoy yourself! It’s a blast.


I’d also like to take a minute to apologize for my non-existence around here, on your blogs, and even on twitter lately.  I’m editing my nearly-complete dissertation, planning my wedding in October, and preparing to move away from York, so life’s gone a bit busy!  I’ll also be taking two road trips in the next five weeks as my future mother-in-law cycles from Land’s End to John O’Groats, so I may be a while.  I’m sure I’ll be back once the MA is over and unemployment sets in (luckily right around BBAW!).  In the meantime, I’ll still be posting reviews and reading.  I can’t tell you how thankful I am for my review backlog right now!  I’d be very grateful for your patience as I make this huge transition.


11 comments to Book Blogger Appreciation Week Meme

  • Thanks so much, Meghan!! That’s so sweet! I, too, am excited to see who all the nominees are this year. Our little world has grown so big!!

    Good luck with all you have going! I think my head would explode. :-)


  • You won’t be able to get rid of me that easily ;-)

    Good luck with writing, the move, the wedding plans, the two trips and on and on.

  • Nice responses! Good luck with your dissertation. I bet you can’t wait to finish!

  • Holy cow, you do sound busy! Good luck with everything you have going on in the next few weeks (I would list it all, but I’m too lazy).

    And I think you might get best historical fiction review site again this year… not saying I nominated you or anything, but that would be my prediction. ;)

  • That’s a whole lot to have on at one time!

    We will still all be here when things calm down a little for you.

  • A wedding can be stressful and time consuming. Hope you have fun doing it though :)

  • Sounds like you’ve got a lot on your hands! What wonderful things are happening for you, too – it all sounds lovely. Have fun with all of it!

  • I love reading the posts from those who have done BBAW before…. they give great advice to newbies like me :)


  • Nothing to apologize for, Meghan! You have so much to to, it’s perfectly understandable. We’ll still be here once life gets less busy!

  • that’s the trifecta J and I experienced – finishing school, getting married, and moving (oh, yeah, and finding jobs … is that a quadfecta?)

    “It’s all good” is a favorite expression of a friend of mine. I say, “it’s all great!” Enjoy the time, don’t stress … have fun! we’ll be here when you have time :)

  • Wow, you are busy! No need to apologize. Just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t worry about the rest. At least, that’s been my motto all summer.