We’ve all seen the lists, we’ve all thought, “I should really read that someday,” but for all of us, there are still books on “The List” that we haven’t actually gotten around to reading. Even though we know they’re fabulous. Even though we know that we’ll like them. Or that we’ll learn from them. Or just that they’re supposed to be worthy. We just … haven’t gotten around to them yet.
What’s the best book that YOU haven’t read yet?
Well, this question had me going back through my LT library to figure out just what I have (as I scroll through I’m thinking “I have SO MANY books, is this a blessing or a curse?”). Usually I’ll remember what I have if I’m in a shop and not buy duplicates, but just cold recall doesn’t work out too well for me. So I do have one author whose works I should read, and that is Virginia Woolf. I have both To The Lighthouse and Orlando. Now, I absolutely adore Mrs. Dalloway, so that’s why I should try some others. I have plenty of other worthies waiting about, including a gazillion prize winners and classics, but I have little excuse for not reading one of these two considering my rereads of Mrs. Dalloway! I think I’m just worried that they’ll be less accessible to me now that I’m more than a year out from studying literature.
Have you read either of them? What did you think? What is the best book you’re not reading?
I read To the Lighthouse at uni and loved it. I haven’t read any others though, although I’ve got Mrs Dalloway sat on the shelf.
Jo’s last blog post..Booking through Thursday-Best book never read
Ah…Virginia Woolf, I know. I have been reading so much about good her books are, but haven’t tried any. I do have one on my shelf though, don’t remember which one
I read To the Lighthouse for a class and loved it. So that’s my vote.
Beth F’s last blog post..Booking through Thursday: Challenge Me!
I haven’t read any of Virginia Woolf. I’m looking at ‘The Poisonwood Bible’ as I type , it’s been on my shelf for years.
I’ve read some Woolf’s non-fiction (I loved A Room of One’s Own), but her fiction still intimidates me for some reason.
And I think my answer is Middlemarch. I think I’d love it, but the idea of reading it is so daunting.
Nymeth’s last blog post..Starfinder by John Marco
I know Virginia Woolf is a great writer, but I never really enjoy her books as much as I always hope I will. Except for “Orlando” – that’s one of my all-time faves.
JLS Hall’s last blog post..Tuesday Thingers: Swap This Book
I’ve not read anything of hers, either.
Barbara H.’s last blog post..Booking Through Thursday: The Best Book You’ve Never Read
I love Mrs. Dalloway, too! In fact, I don’t have a legitimate reason I haven’t picked up any of her other books… I’ll have to add them to the list!
Megan’s last blog post..Booking Through Thursday: Yet to read
Orlando is on my must read list too. In fact I have it as a “Save for Later” book on my Kindle.
TwistyFarmy’s last blog post..Best Book I’ve never read
Orlando is an absolute joy! I really must read To The Lighthouse, but I think it’s one of those books that I have toread at just the right time and that time isn’t now.
FleurFisher’s last blog post..Booking Through Thursday
I’ve had a head time with Virginia Woolf. I’ve started To The Lighthouse 3 times in the last 10 years or so. I’ve never gotten more than 1/3 through it. Maybe I should try another of her books?
Kylee’s last blog post..Booking Through Thursday {3-5-09}
I read Mrs Dalloway and like it even though it was a more difficult read. Someday I’ll get around to her other stuff.
Chris@bookarama’s last blog post..Thursday Tunes: Jeff Healey
I’ve never read any Virginia Woolfe, though Orlando has piqued my interest. I watched the movie “The Hours” and it kind of killed my desire to read Woolfe.
The Kool-Aid Mom’s last blog post..BTT~ Anthem of the Atlas for the Invisible Palace in the Valley of My Butt
Sadly, I hated Mrs. Dalloway–both the book as a whole and the title character, who struck me as a snob with no redeeming characteristics. I finished it only because in those days I felt it was shameful not to finish a book.
I should probably read Dorothy Dunnett, and I even have a copy of King Hereafter sitting wistfully on my bookshelf, but I just can’t get up the energy.
Susan Higginbotham’s last blog post..New Blog Title
You’re ahead of me, Meghan, because I’ve never read anything by Virginia Woolf.
Shana @ Literarily’s last blog post..Book Review: Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
I haven’t yet read anything by Virginia Woolf. I hope to one day though. When I first read this question, I said to myself, “Well, all the books in my TBR collection, of course!” I am sure the question is meant to be more specific. There are a number of books I really want to read and that I know I’ll love. Some are classics and others are more contemporary. Some are fluff and others more serious. It’s hard to know where to start sometimes!
I found To The Lighthouse easier than some of her other books to read and I really enjoyed it. I loved reading about her (diaries and biographies) and I am currently trying to read her work in chronological order. She is not a author to just grab and read but I do love her work