When’s the last time you weeded out your library? Do you regularly keep it pared down to your reading essentials? Or does it blossom into something out of control the minute you turn your back, like a garden after a Spring rain?
Or do you simply not get rid of books? At all? (This would have described me for most of my life, by the way.)
And–when you DO weed out books from your collection (assuming that you do) …what do you do with them? Throw them away (gasp)? Donate them to a charity or used bookstore? SELL them to a used bookstore? Trade them on Paperback Book Swap or some other exchange program?
I have only just started with attempts to weed out my library. On reflection, if I don’t think I’m going to reread it, I am not sure I want it any more. I have so many books I want to read and so many that I want to read again. Why keep the ones that aren’t calling to me? I do have trouble giving up books that I paid for, though, especially full price. If I got it from a used bookstore or charity shop and it was very cheap, I generally don’t mind turning around and giving it back if I didn’t like it. I plan on doing more giveaways for this once I’m employed, especially with ARCs and review copies. There is also the ever-important issue of space and the fact that I don’t have all my books with me ever. They’re spread in two locations for now. While I’d like to bring all my books together, it’s not going to happen for a good few years. I’m sure that when it does I will have a lot to reconsider.
I have a lot of books that I haven’t read, but hoping to read. I also have lots of books that have emotional attachments. Have a great day!
.-= Sherrie´s last blog ..BOOKING THROUGH THURSDAY =-.
I also have extreme issues with giving away books I paid the full price for. Who am I kidding? I have issues getting rid of book period lol! But when the mountain gets too big I guess there is no other choice (if the new, bigger house is not an alternative).
.-= lilly´s last blog ..BTT: Weeding out my library =-.
haha…you know, i first read your title as “wedding”
.-= Nish´s last blog ..Yesterday’s Weather – A Book Review =-.
Initially it feels difficult. Once you start giving out, it doesn’t!
Booking Through Weeding
.-= gautami tripathy´s last blog ..Booking through weeding =-.
I have trouble letting go of books, but they’re starting to take over, so I will have to get rid of some soon. I think I’ll take some to my in-laws’ beach condo.
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..Against Medical Advice winners! =-.
I’ve always liked giving away my books, but have a lot of trouble just weeding them out and giving them to Goodwill or something. My library doesn’t accept book donations, unfortunately, or I’d be keeping their shelves supplied! I guess it makes a big difference to me to know that the book will actually get read – when I give a book away to a friend or fellow reader, I know it will get read. When I give it away to Goodwill or something similar, I have all these doubts.
I also find I don’t need to keep certain books by favourite authors anymore, so I have far less “keepers”. I think its because ever since I started blogging, I’m realizing that there will always be more fabulous books on the horizon to be read and loved!
.-= Belle´s last blog ..Thanksgiving Feast, The Beatles, and a Head Cold =-.
I used to keep all my books except for the ones I absolutely hated, but I don’t have the space any more. It would be nice if I did, though….
.-= heidenkind´s last blog ..Leonardo da Vinci Mystery =-.
I dnt have that many books….so this is not an issue right now… But I can see how difficult it is for you all.
.-= Veens´s last blog ..Hooked right NOW to… =-.
Sounds like you might be quite ruthless with your books! Not as sentimental as some
.-= Novel Insights´s last blog ..Booking Through Thursday – Weeding =-.
I am pretty bad at weeding through my books but I suppose once it gets to where I have no more space, I won’t have a choice. I currently have five bookshelves and they’re pretty much full but I guess I could always cram more in there.
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..Book Review: College Girl =-.
I am slowly weeding out my library. My goal is to only keep the books I want to re-read and the books I have yet to read but want to. My husband, surprisingly, is having more trouble with letting go of books than I am. I imagine when we start packing for our move (which is still up in the air) we’ll really get down to business.
.-= Literary Feline´s last blog ..Review: The Last Dickens by Matthew Pearl (& A Giveaway) =-.
Although sometimes I write in books as I read them, many I read so gently they look as if they have not been touched. So, for birthdays and the holidays I “shop my shelves” and see if I have the perfect book for the receipient. Last Christmas I weeded out over 30 books.
.-= Kim´s last blog ..Kindle Didn’t Start a Fire =-.