Yesterday, April 15th, was Tax Day here in the U.S., which means lots of lucky people will get refunds of over-paid taxes.
Whether you’re one of them or not, what would you spend an unexpected windfall on? Say … $50? How about $500?
(And, this is a reading meme, so by rights the answer should be book-related, but hey, feel free to go wild and splurge on anything you like.)
Oh, I am not one of them. I owed on taxes this year despite the fact that I am in massive amounts of education debt. If I did get that extra bit of money, though, I’d either save it because I’m ridiculously frugal or I would buy some books. It would depend on my employment status.
I might also buy some DVDs. I really wouldn’t protest if someone dropped Season 2 of LOST in my mailbox. =)
Now, if I got a huge windfall, I’d go on holiday. I’m really close to tons of places that I’d love to go. There are many, many sites of interest in Scotland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and parts of eastern Europe that I’d visit, and I’ve always wanted to go to Russia. I’d do the cheap student thing and go around in hostels, but since I’m going to be living here for a while and hopefully making money, Keith and I plan on proper vacations to all my places of interest. It isn’t too expensive from this jumping-off point. Just have to get through all the visas first.
OooOOooh… are you a Lostie, too? Maggie and I watch it together every Wednesday. She hates the enhanced versions, but I love them.
Scotland, Wales and Norway are my top three places I’d love to see. I’d want to take all my kids, though, and my mom, so that would get a bit expensive for all of us. I’d love to take Mags to Vietnam, too, as that’s where her dad is from.
The Kool-Aid Mom’s last blog post..BTT ~ Grab Me a Bit of the Lone Star
I actually only started watching it last week! I resisted because I knew it was an ongoing series with a lot of cliffhangers and I just don’t have the patience, and besides that we don’t have the channel that carries it on UK TV. Since it’s ending next year, my fiance and I caved in and bought the first season, and we’re going to catch up!
I hope you do get out here someday! It would be expensive, but I’m sure so worth it.
Hope you do get Season 2 of LOST in your mailbox!
let the windfall fall on my head
gautami tripathy’s last blog post..Faith and Honour by Robin Maderich
Me too! I figured I’d put it out there, just in case, you know?
Travel! Yes, yes, yes.
A holiday is a great idea. I am actually using some of my tax return this year to go to England, Scotland, and Wales for 11 days. Wish me luck!
jess’s last blog post..Booking Through Thursday — 4/16
Our tax system is a mess if a student who’s in debt owes on their taxes.
Kathy’s last blog post..We Remember
I love the idea of travel. Most of us travel every day in our books, but to get out to the far reaches of the real world is something really amazing.
Frances’s last blog through thursday: windfall book purchase
My federal tax refund came (~$300) and I was like, “ooohhh what can I spend this on?”
Then I realized I’ve spend almost $300 on books in the past few months. so… I guess that answers that question.
grace’s last blog post..chomp
Meghan, can you play region 1 DVDs? If so, this is your lucky day. Send me an email.
Amy @ My Friend Amy’s last blog post..Why I Blog (for lack of a more creative title)
I am saving my money too, really must if I want a house in the future
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