I haven’t done a Library Loot post in a really long time. I moved and then it took me a couple weeks to find time to join the library, plus I haven’t been reading as much so a little part of me wondered whether I should stick to my own books for now.
Of course that didn’t happen; I am now a proud member of my latest library with a good number of books checked out. We actually plan on joining another library system nearby (I know, it’s an addiction) because they have a greater selection, but we’ll have to go on the weekend and we’ve only spent one weekend here so far and aren’t likely to stay for a couple more.
So! I bring you what I have taken out so far:
- Leviathan, Scott Westerfeld – I’ve been wanting to read this since it came out, and I actually already have but neglected to review it. I will probably include it on a mini-review post soon.
- Wishful Drinking, Carrie Fisher – Random Read-a-Thon selection. Again, no review; it was okay.
- Edith Wharton, Hermione Lee – I am still in the middle of her Virginia Woolf but I knew I wanted to read this one next, so I went and got it out. I love Edith Wharton; I know I may find some unpleasant truths in her biography but I’m willing to take that chance.
- Rumours, Anna Godbersen – I wasn’t totally in love with The Luxe but I really need some relaxing YA. Plus my library has all of this series, so I might actually be able to read it all.
- Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama – I’ve been wanting to read this for a long time.
- My Name is Red, Orhan Pamuk – I thought this sounded awesome. It’s set in 16th century Istanbul and billed as a thrilling murder mystery with meditations on love, artistic devotion, and tensions between the East and West. And I’m sure I’ve seen positive reviews somewhere.
- Then We Came to the End, Joshua Ferris – Another wishlist book.
- Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell – I’ve been wanting to read this one for a long time too. My mom also just let me know that David Mitchell’s new one has arrived to their address for me, so I decided I should read this first.
- The Boy Who Loved Books, John Sutherland – How could I not want to read a book about a boy whose life was saved by books twice? This is a memoir and I hope it’s as good as it sounds.
- Chinese Cinderella, Adeline Jen Mah – I tend to browse the Chinese history section each time I go in and this just caught my eye.
- Chains, Laurie Halse Anderson – I’ve been wanting to read another of her books since Speak and this is the one they had in!
Sorry for the lack of pictures/links – I’ve meant to post this since Monday but can’t sustain the energy to do more than write it out. You don’t want to know how many reviews I have waiting to be written, either. I’m definitely still adjusting to this work thing even though it’s been a month. I’m not complaining, this is what I wanted, but I still find it hard to believe I have to go there every day! On the bright side, I have managed to start commenting a little on breaks – I just need to figure out how to work in writing for my own blog. I decided a post without links and pictures was better than no post at all.
Thanks as always to the fantastic Eva and Marg for hosting this meme!
Looks like you have a great new library! I hope that you enjoy Cloud Atlas. It is one of my favourites, but can be a bit dis-jointed for some. I’ll be interested in your thoughts.
.-= Jackie (Farm Lane Books)´s last blog ..Sorry =-.
What a great variety! The Luxe books are just fun — I know they have flaws and they aren’t historically accurate, but I like them for the fun factor (does that make me shallow?).
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..Review: The Postmistress by Sarah Blake =-.
I just moved too so I need to switch libraries as well! You got some great books. Leviathan is one I really want to read and I bought it when it first came out. Edith Wharton is one that I want to read as well.
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..Read-a-long: Wolf Hall =-.
I so want to read My Name is Red, and have heard wonderful things about it. I will be excited to see your review of it. I also have a copy of Cloud Atlas, but haven’t read it yet. I have heard it’s very eclectic. Great loot this week. I hope you enjoy them all!
.-= zibilee´s last blog ..South of Broad by Pat Conroy – 528 pgs — *Giveaway* =-.
Joining the library is one of the first things I do when I move. You got some great loot!
I can’t wait to see what you discover reading Edith Wharton–I don’t know much about her, but she sounds like an interesting person.
.-= heidenkind´s last blog ..Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart by Beth Pattillo =-.