Another round of library loot this week! I don’t have too much to share, just three books. I’ve been requesting a lot of books, so I’ve been reading my acquisitions surprisingly quickly. I hope to get through the two YA books this weekend.
The library books are the three at the bottom:
- Empress Orchid, Anchee Min – I have really been eager to read more by Anchee Min ever since I finished Pearl of China. I have her novel Katherine on my TBR pile but this one has always appealed to me, too.
- Just In Case, Meg Rosoff – Continuing my small obsession, I appear to be determined to read all four of Meg Rosoff’s books in a couple of months. Actually, the release date of The Bride’s Farewell may prevent that, but I will definitely be reading it.
- The Forest of Hands and Teeth, Carrie Ryan – I’ve been wanting to read this since release and now I finally have my hands on it.
The top two are books that came to me in the mail. I thought it would be fun to add them in for once, too, so I’m hijacking my own post.
- Under Heaven, Guy Gavriel Kay – I have Nymeth to thank for this. I don’t recall if I ever mentioned that I didn’t get a gift from the Book Bloggers Holiday Swap. My Santa never responded to emails, and when I chose one of the donations to make up for it, that person didn’t respond either. So Ana generously offered to buy me a book herself, and I’m so grateful that as a result I have the newest release of one of my absolute favorite authors. Thank you, Ana!
- Virgin Widow, Anne O’Brien – Got this one for review. It’s about Anne Neville, and I will admit that I hesitated to accept it. But it’s my thing, it’s been too long since I reviewed a medieval historical fiction novel, and it’s had good reviews. It comes out in the UK later this month and will be published in the US later this year – I imagine I’ll be seeing a good number of reviews for it around then!
I’ve started Just in Case only this afternoon! I have a bit of a headache, so I couldn’t get far into it, but so far I quite like it. One of the things that amazes me about Rosoff is how versatile she is. I love how each of her books has its own unique voice. This is the last one I have left to read, so when I finish it I know I’ll be sad!
I hope you enjoy the new Guy Gavriel Kay, Meghan! You’re most welcome, and again my apologies that the whole thing took so long to sort out :\
.-= Nymeth´s last blog ..The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald =-.
I’ll be anxious to see what you think of The Forest of Hands and Teeth.
I really think I need to give Guy Gavriel Kay a go. They sound like my kind of books!
.-= Marg´s last blog ..TSS: When a new book isn’t a new book =-.
I checked out The Forest of Hands and Teeth a few months ago but had to return it unread. I’ll have to borrow it from the library again and actually read it!
I’m looking forward to your reaction to Forest of Hands and Teeth.
Go Nymeth!!!
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..What’s in a Name? 3: Finished =-.
Oh! Can’t wait for your read The Forest of Hands and Teeth. That one had me up late at night reading it, so I could figure out what was going on.
So glad you got your hands on it! Happy reading!
.-= Becky at “One Literature Nut”´s last blog ..Review: The Last War by Ana Menedez =-.
Lots of good stuff there!! I have read mixed reviews of Under Heaven, but I hope you enjoy it. I am actually getting ready to read my first first book by Gavriel Kay really soon (The Lions of al-Rassan) and I also just bought a copy of The Forest of Hands and Teeth recently. I hope you enjoy all your books and I will be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on them!!
.-= zibilee´s last blog ..Arcadia Falls by Carol Goodman – 368 pgs =-.