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Library Loot – May 8, 2010

Another round of library loot this week!  I don’t have too much to share, just three books.  I’ve been requesting a lot of books, so I’ve been reading my acquisitions surprisingly quickly.  I hope to get through the two YA books this weekend.

Library lootThe library books are the three at the bottom:

  • Empress Orchid, Anchee Min – I have really been eager to read more by Anchee Min ever since I finished Pearl of China.  I have her novel Katherine on my TBR pile but this one has always appealed to me, too.
  • Just In Case, Meg Rosoff – Continuing my small obsession, I appear to be determined to read all four of Meg Rosoff’s books in a couple of months.  Actually, the release date of The Bride’s Farewell may prevent that, but I will definitely be reading it.
  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth, Carrie Ryan – I’ve been wanting to read this since release and now I finally have my hands on it.

The top two are books that came to me in the mail.  I thought it would be fun to add them in for once, too, so I’m hijacking my own post.

  • Under Heaven, Guy Gavriel Kay – I have Nymeth to thank for this.  I don’t recall if I ever mentioned that I didn’t get a gift from the Book Bloggers Holiday Swap.  My Santa never responded to emails, and when I chose one of the donations to make up for it, that person didn’t respond either.  So Ana generously offered to buy me a book herself, and I’m so grateful that as a result I have the newest release of one of my absolute favorite authors.  Thank you, Ana!
  • Virgin Widow, Anne O’Brien – Got this one for review.  It’s about Anne Neville, and I will admit that I hesitated to accept it.  But it’s my thing, it’s been too long since I reviewed a medieval historical fiction novel, and it’s had good reviews.  It comes out in the UK later this month and will be published in the US later this year – I imagine I’ll be seeing a good number of reviews for it around then!

Thanks as always to Eva and Marg for hosting Library Loot!


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