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Library Loot: Week of Nov 1st, 2009

library-lootI have been very lazy with my Library Loot (hosted by Eva and Marg) posts lately.  The reason is because I’ve been using my husband’s computer.  It’s more powerful than my laptop and our flat is so small that I don’t need the portability, plus typing at the desk is better for my wrists.  My camera, however, uses an SD card that I can just plug into my laptop and get the pictures from, so I’ve long lost my camera cord, and that means I can’t get pictures onto this computer directly from it.  This computer does not have the slot for the SD card.  I’m generally too lazy to wait the ten minutes it takes to start up my laptop, upload the pictures, and then turn the thing off again right away.  So, I’m just using some cover pictures from Amazon today.  I hope no one minds!  This post covers a couple of trips.  Links on the pictures go to LibraryThing, in text go to Amazon through my Amazon Associates account.

From the big library:

  • Nocturnes, Kazuo Ishiguro – I already finished all the stories in this and am in the process of writing my review.  Ishiguro is one of my favorite authors and now I’ve read all of his books but The Unconsoled, which I have on my TBR pile.  This collection was not as good as the novels, but I’ll leave the rest for my post.
  • My Invented Country, Isabel Allende – This is  for the Women Unbound challenge.  I loved one of Allende’s later memoirs, so I’m looking forward to this.
  • The Tale of Murasaki, Liza Dalby – Same as above!  This is historical fiction, which I’m a little tired of, but hopefully medieval Japan will be different enough to captivate me.
  • The Borgia Bride, Jeanne Kalogridis – I got this out a couple weeks ago, before I realized I was tired of historical fiction, and it’s pretty big.  I may need to renew it.

And the smaller library:

  • The Dark Rose, Cynthia Harrod-Eagles – I waited for this second volume in the Morland Dynasty series for months in York and never got it.  Just found it on the shelf here, and was thrilled!
  • Wild Swans, Jung Chang – Another for the Women Unbound Challenge.
  • Brave New World, Aldous Huxley – I’ve been wanting to read this for years.

Have you taken anything interesting out of the library lately?


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