This meme has been going around for a good week or so now. I asked Alea at Pop Culture Junkie to interview me. Here are the questions she asked:
1. Are the books always better than the movie adaptations?
In my experience, yes. I love some movies based on books, like Pride and Prejudice (you all know the one!) or Gone with the Wind, but I enjoy reading books more, so I’ll probably always like the books better. In general I sometimes struggle to compare them because they cut so much out. Those two are probably my favorites because they are so long and the storylines are very similar to the books. Well, for P&P at least.
2. What is the most you ever paid for a book?
I don’t think I’ve ever paid too much for books. I have some nice editions, but usually they were gifts. Overall, I’m pretty cheap. I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than $20, usually on Amazon for hardcover copies to support my favorite authors.
3. What is one book you love that has next to no words in it?
I’m not sure I own any books with next to no words in them! Wait, I can think of two. I have a coffee table book of Chanel gowns which is very lovely, but I also have a National Geographic book of famous photographs. That one is stunning and while it has explanations, the photos can speak for themselves.
4. Who is your favorite author?
This question could almost be easier if it was “who isn’t your favorite author?” because it’s very difficult to pick one. For an author to make my favorites list in general, I must love at least two of their books. I will copy my LT list, which I think is fairly accurate:
Jane Austen, Jacqueline Carey, Bernard Cornwell, Robin Hobb, Kazuo Ishiguro, Guy Gavriel Kay, Stephen King, George R. R. Martin, Michelle Moran, Sharon Kay Penman, Brandon Sanderson, Leo Tolstoy, Edith Wharton
Oh, except I have to add Robin McKinley to the list. You’ll see when my Deerskin review gets published, should be soon.
5. What is your favorite thing about blogging? Least favorite?
I love the community. I’m a lurker at heart and I have a difficult time getting involved with established groups of people. Book bloggers are always kind, friendly, and welcoming. I feel comfortable leaving comments on everyone’s blogs or chatting on Twitter and LT and I do my best to make all feel welcome on mine too and in my conversations. Thank you all for being awesome!
My least favorite part is probably the work I put into it. This is definitely a labor of love, but it can be hard to sit at the computer and tease out words to accurately convey how I feel about certain books. Making the site look nice, going out and finding new blog friends, and sometimes even being taken away from my own TBR pile can be negatives, but I love the sense of accomplishment I feel when I find a new awesome blogger and potential friend, look at my site, or write a review that I think really captures how I felt about a book. It just takes a lot of time and I worry how I’ll maintain it when I no longer have the time that I do now. But I have many worries to get over before that happens, so we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it!
Thanks for the questions, Alea! And now I extend the offer to all of you reading. Do you want me to send you 5 interview questions? Just leave me a comment saying so and I’ll send an email your way.
I have recently started a blog devoted to things medieval and, on occasion, I will be posing questions to others interested in the middle ages, the answers to be posted on my blog. I would be very interested in your answer to the following question:
What period or person from the middle ages most interests you and why?
Your answer can be as long or short as you wish and will be published in full on my blog. If you would like to participate, you may leave your response in the comments portion of my blog or email your response to kaya.alder at Please be sure to let me know how you wish your name to be shown in the post and any email address or website that you would like to have linked.
Thank you in advance,
My Medieval:
I agree with you – the book blogging community is fantastic!
Kathy’s last blog post..Wondrous Words Wednesday
Glad to see that some of our list of favorite authors overlaps. But I don’t read books that are too scary, so that doesn’t leave much of King’s works!
The community is awesome!
Beth F’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday (Feb. 11)
I’m too cheap for limited editions of books too. $20-$25 is my limit. I look forward to your review of Deerskin! I really enjoyed that book.
How time-consuming it is is definitely my least favourite thing about blogging. It leaves me less time for other things I love, but it’s been worth it so far.
Great post and I loved your answers! Especially #5…I could’ve written that!!
Amy @ Passages to the Past’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Great little interview, and GRRM too! I keep telling people how amazing he is, and they ignore me. Don’t you think his Song of Ice and Fire series is the best fantasy series you’ve ever read?
chartroose’s last blog post..Surfer Dude’s Guess That Gnarly Gnovel # 7
Oh I can’t wait for your Deerskin review! I’m curious how other people see the book since for me it’s as twisted in my head as the LHM is.
Oh yes, the time involved can sometimes feel like a killer! I’m so glad to know you!
Amy@ My Friend Amy’s last blog post..LOST Discussion: This Place is Death
Yay! Great answers! I one time paid like $60 for this really nice book and was sort of curious if i was crazy, and i think i am!
Alea’s last blog post.."Waiting On" Wednesday! 17