I think it’s been weeks since I did a Sunday Salon post! I have gotten out of the habit of blogging on weekends; usually there is a lot more going on in my life on those days than during the week. Overall, though, I don’t have anything new to report, which is part of why I haven’t done many chatty posts lately. I’m back in the UK after a few weeks at home. Still no news for me on the job front, but hubby has started his new job and is working from home most of the time. It’s weird to have him around but busy, although I have to say it’s inspired me to new diligence in my job search. I’m not necessarily finding more jobs, but my applications are getting done a lot faster when someone else is around working. The lack of success is getting me down, which I know is one of the reasons I’m reading more than blogging.
I have other reasons for reading a lot, too. As usual when I go home to the US, I picked up my ARCs and review copies, many of which were owed a review a while back because I expected to be home sooner than I was. So I frantically got through a lot of my backlog and packed an astonishing 71 books to bring back to the UK with me, without going over the weight limit! About 50 are my own books and I’m happy to have a much wider selection. I don’t have space for them, so a bunch of them are adorning the floor in front of the bookshelf, but I’m not going to worry about that until our flat goes on the market. I culled quite a few before I left and donated them to my favorite charity bookstore, so I’m actually not feeling very guilty for having more unread books.
I spent this morning reading a coffee table size illustrated history of computers. I have a bunch of non-fiction I want to get read this week before Classics Month starts up and since this had a lot of pictures, I decided to start it first. And now I’m indulging in some urban fantasy with Magic Burns, the second in the Kate Daniels series. And I’m leaving the rest of the week unscheduled, subject to whim, which is my favorite way to read.
If you like classics, don’t forget to tune in during March for Tasha’s and my Classics Month (her post, my post). I’d love it if you read a few classics along with us!
That’s about all going on over here; anything exciting happening in your lives, reading or otherwise?
Wow – that’s a lot of books to take back!! It’s funny how you refer to the US as “home”. I moved halfway across the country over 2 years ago and I still refer to Indiana as “home”. I”m not really sure I will ever refer to Denver as home even though that’s where I now live.
.-= Daphne´s last blog ..New This Week – February 21, 2010 =-.
I know, I think it’ll take a very long time to stop being home! My husband always gets annoyed when I refer to my parents’ house as home, but it’s hard to undo 22 years of that (because it was still “home” when I went to college).
70+ books! I’m very impressed to hear you stayed under the weight limit. Books are much cheaper in the U.S. yes. And the exchange rate would help as well. I love going in book stores when I travel, but the prices in Europe prevent me from shopping much.
Of course, as I recall there is a very good used book mart in London one the river just outside the National Theatre…
.-= cbjames´s last blog ..Sunday Salon: I Give Up and I Give Away. =-.
I’m sorry that the job search has been so frustrating so far
Fingers crossed that you find something soon!
I’ll gladly join you for Classics Month, of course
.-= Nymeth´s last blog ..The Sunday Salon – Classics =-.
Bummer on the job front. Still keeping my fingers crossed for you. It takes forever (if ever) to stop calling your parents’ house home!
Enjoy the reading time while you have it. I’m not sure I’ll be joining in classics month — I have a busy work month ahead of me.
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..Readalong 2: Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien =-.
I remember bringing books back in my suitcase when we lived in France! I only had to pay extra one time, but I think airlines were more forgiving back then.
I do the same as you when I am home. I think my record was also around 70 books taken back in the suitcase!
.-= Lenore´s last blog ..Book Review: Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody =-.
That’s a lot of books to carry back overseas! But it must have been so exciting coming back home to piles upon piles of fresh new books. I still call my parent’s house “home” even though I have my own apartment an hour away from them. I don’t think that will change for a long time! I have seen mentions of classics month all over the blogs and wanted to join, but sadly I am too tied up with work reads and in combination with an already-packed review schedule. I’ll enjoy following along though!
.-= Allie – Hist-Fic Chick´s last blog ..The Sunday Salon: Medieval Madness =-.
Classics month sounds like fun. I’ll have to check it out. Wow!!!! 71 books? Than is amazing. Like a huge Christmas in February. I know you must be smiling.:)
Sorry the job search is going slow, but hang in there.
Hope you have a good week.
.-= Wisteria Leigh´s last blog ..ABC Historical Fiction Challenge =-.
Sounds like you’ve been busy reading!
I gave you an award. Check it out at http://socratesbookreviews.blogspot.com/2010/02/another-award.html
.-= Yvonne´s last blog ..Another Award =-.
Ugh, I can totally sympathize on the job front. I left a great job in San Diego to move back home to Seattle and go back to school, and it’s hard to find a decent job to fit in with that. Hopefully something turns up soon. Good luck!
I’m amazed that you managed to squeeze 71 books in without going over the limit! Congratulations!
Times are hard at the moment, so I sympathise on the job front. I really hope something comes along soon.
PS. For some reason your last comment on my blog went into spam and then I accidently deleted it – sorry.
.-= Jackie (Farm Lane Books)´s last blog ..The Girl with Glass Feet – Ali Shaw =-.
Wow–71 books is a big accomplishment to fit in under the weight limit!
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..East of Eden, Part III =-.
Wow, you must not have packed anything but books! And I know how you feel re: your parent’s house as ‘home.’ In my cell phone their house phone is still labeled as home. Maybe when we actually have a landline I’ll change that.
.-= Jen – Devourer of Books´s last blog ..The Wives of Henry Oades – Book Review =-.
Holy cow, that’s a lot of book. I mailed 3 boxes of books home before I left France after my semester there, and I swear I have no idea where they are now.
I know the job thing can get discouraging. My dad keeps telling me that they probably already had someone in mind and only posted the job announcement because they had to, so I don’t feel as rejected.
.-= heidenkind´s last blog ..The Book Group =-.
That is a truly impressive number of books to have fit in under the weight limit! I too am becoming a master of international book transporting, since moving to Canada. Books are just so much less expensive (both new and used) in the States that it makes more sense to have them sent here. It is a bit hard on the back carrying those suitcases, though….
.-= Ariel/Sycorax Pine´s last blog ..The Mystical Sport of Curdling =-.
Sigh nothing for me on the job front either after the interviews. I know they’re looking for new costumed guides at The Black Country Museum if you want to try something to tide you over until you find a proper job (£7 an hour). It’s history related
Did you bring clothes back with you with those books? Can’t imagine how you got through the weight limit without leaving other things behind.
Glad to hear that you’ve got access to a ton of new books! And I feel your pain on the job search. My husband has been out of work since mid-December and it’s very frustrating for all of us. Hang in there though, ok? Things are bound to get better soon.
.-= zibilee´s last blog ..Keeping the Feast: One Couple’s Story of Love, Food and Healing in Italy by Paula Butturini – 272 pgs =-.