It’s been another busy week over here, with lots of working, packing, and moving stuff around. Internet in the new place got turned on Friday, so I should finally be around the blogosphere more, especially in a couple of weeks when we’ll have moved the majority of our stuff. And now I know I can participate in the upcoming Read-a-thon and my online book club, so I’m very happy about both of those things. My GR has been over 1000 for more than a week, so I think I’ll be marking those as read at some point – I don’t see myself finding time to catch totally up!
Yesterday I finally finished Lorna Doone, the book that Tasha and I are reading together for our Classics Month. I really need to apologize to Tasha because I haven’t at all been reading the classics I was supposed to read, mostly because I’ve been stuck on this book. And it puts me to sleep almost every time I try to read it! You’ll hear more about it when we review it together after she’s finished. In the next few days, before March is over, I’d like to read both The Wizard of Oz, which is going at a speedy pace even though I’m reading it on my brand new phone, and Villette by Charlotte Bronte. I really wanted to read related books and watched related movies – I have been really slowly working through Hermione Lee’s biography of Virginia Woolf and I recorded East of Eden to watch after I’d read the book – but I see no way I’ll manage to finish those things in the next three days. It’s disappointing, but I do plan to do all these things eventually, so I hope you’ll stick around.
I have still been reading, but I’ve been choosing very light relaxation reads. I’m finishing about three books a week. This week, it was Lorna Doone, Hector and the Search for Happiness by Francois Lelord, and The Bookman by Lavie Tidhar. I haven’t decided if this is my new normal yet but all things considered it still isn’t too bad! Not quite the same as the book a day I was managing before but I really don’t know if that’s possible or desirable at the moment. I do like other things besides working and reading.
Also wanted to ask if any knew about really great ereader apps for an Android phone. I have one on there at the moment but it’s mostly free classics. Of course I love that, but I’d also appreciate the option to buy ebooks should I really love reading on my phone!
I hope everyone has a great week!
Yeah, it definitely sounds like it’s time to hit “mark all as read!”. Three books a week is excellent considering how busy you’ve been! You’ll probably manage to read a bit more once you get completely settled in, but like you said it’s good to make time for other things as well.
.-= Nymeth´s last blog ..The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope =-.
I totally agree with Ana — hit marked all as read and start over. It’s way too overwhelming otherwise. So glad you’ll be around again — and do enjoy some time away from reading and some time being unplugged!
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..Featuring . . . The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha =-.
I agree with everyone else – that’s what that “mark all as read” button is for. Ooh, you need to do a post about your android phone!
Yes, bing, mark read – so useful. On a totally unrelated note because you mentioned ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and are in the UK are you going to watch ‘Over the Rainbow’ as they try to pick a Dorothy for the stage show?
.-= Jodie´s last blog ..They call to me in my sleep =-.
Fantasic week! It sounds enjoyable.
Mine is here:
It sounds like you have been very busy! I can completely relate to not having enough time to read. I think three books a week is still a fabulous pace considering. If I’m reading heavy books or classics I’d be lucky to get one read a week.
.-= Alyce´s last blog ..The Sunday Salon – March 28 =-.
Don’t apologize! It’s taking me longer than you to read Lorna, and I’ve whined about it a lot more, too.
My GR has been at 1000+ for months. I don’t even notice anymore.
.-= heidenkind´s last blog ..The Darkly Luminous Fight for Persephone Parker by Leanna Renee Hieber =-.
It sounds like you have had a very busy week! I am glad that you are finding time to read though, and three books a week seems like a perfect amount to me, but then again, I am a slow reader! I hope you have a wonderful week and I look forward to hearing about what you are reading!
.-= zibilee´s last blog ..Winner of Raven Stole the Moon! =-.