February 2025
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The Sunday Salon

This Sunday finds me relaxing after a long, difficult week at work. I’ve been so wiped out that I’ve had a hard time focusing on anything, let alone blogging – fortunately, I had a decent stock of blog posts available for the week, so I’ve kept things nice and lively here.

Friday brought me good news at last, however; my application for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK was successful, and now I don’t have any further visa worries! This is such a relief, as it took 2 1/2 months to process and my old visa expired in early December. My passport is back, so I can leave the country again to visit home, too, as it’s been over six months. I’m not sure when that will be, but I’m happy to have options once again.

I also decided to celebrate my new status with the purchase of an iPhone. I had a very old Android which was nearing the end of its 2 year contract and really was on its last legs. The hardware had never been able to keep up with the Android software and it only got a single update, keeping me stuck on an old version for over a year. It randomly dropped signal, leaving me unable to call or text at random times without a restart, which would then kill the battery. I watched others go on to play games together and download new apps I simply couldn’t use. I know it wasn’t Android’s fault, but I had really had enough, and decided to go for a phone I could guarantee would be supported for upgrades over its lifetime.

So, iPhone! I haven’t been able to put it down for the whole day I’ve had it, and let me just tell you I’m in love. I can actually type emails on it without an error in every other word! I’ve been playing games, including the massively popular Words with Friends! (Add me, I’m mbookworm there, I’d love to play with you!) It syncs my personal Kindle documents, so I can read Netgalley books on the go! I’m overwhelmed by all of the apps available, so I’d love your recommendations as I try to sort the wheat from the chaff.

I’ve also been taking some pictures and playing with Instagram – here’s my immediate TBR pile:

immediate TBRIn the meantime I’ve been reading The Turning of Anne Merrick by Christine Blevins for an upcoming blog tour this week, and dipping my way through A History of the World in 100 Objects by Dr Neil MacGregor. I’m hoping to finish the first in what’s left of today as well as writing some more reviews.

What are you up to this Sunday? Wishing you all amazing weeks!


13 comments to The Sunday Salon

  • Wow. My droid is not even a year old yet and I still love it. I especially love the 8 megapix camera. But you’ve made me wonder if I’m missing out. LOL.

    • Meghan

      I’m sure the Droid is better than my old phone! Like I said, it couldn’t even do what Android is meant to do. I never got past version 2.1, so I missed out on a ton of stuff anyway – all that matters is that you love it. :)

  • OOps. Forgot to say CONGRATS on the visa. What a relief.

  • Glad to hear you get to stay in the U.K. Enjoy your time there!

  • Congrats on your iphone! Congrats on your visa!

  • Congrats on the visa, that must be a relief.
    Your immediate TBR looks great too, can’t wait to see your thoughts on some of these books.

  • Congrats on the visa! And on your fancy new phone!

  • What wonderful news about the visa! I am sure you are quite relieved.

    I just got an iPhone in September and I still can’t put it down :) I’m not sure how I survived all this time without one. And I LOVE the app store. I have spent most of my time looking at photography apps, but I truly enjoy them all.

  • Oh, so neat that you got an iPhone! I love mine and would be so lost without it! It’s a really handy little device, and you can even by a GPS program for it! I am also really glad to hear that your visa situation is all taken care of. I know you had been stressing over that for awhile. It sounds like it’s been an eventful week, and I hope that the upcoming week is just as wonderful!

  • Congrats on getting to stay! That must be such a relief!

  • What a relief about the Visa! That took forever.

    I don’t have a smartphone :( but I have an iTouch and I love it! Instagram is one of my favorite apps. I also love AccuWeather, GoodReads, Epicurious, Kayak for my escapist fantasies, Urban Spoon (don’t know if that works in the UK), IMDB, and Cheap Gas.

  • I love my new smartphone…a lot! It’s a bit embarrassing really!

    Congrats on the visa! I got permanent residency in the UK and then promptly left less than a year later! lol

  • I too decided to have a relaxing weekend, after a long hard week rehearsing a play. I was originally just a side character but then three people in all dropped out and I suddenly found myself the lead…!!

    Congrats on your indefinite visa, that must be such a worry off your mind. Sounds like you deserved a treat. Although I’m afraid things like android and iphones are wasted on me. I’m a simple blackberry kind of girl. Text, email, phone and qwerty keyboard is all I need to be happy :-)