This meme has been going around the blog world for a bit, so I decided to jump in when I saw Alyce’s post at At Home With Books. Somewhat unluckily for me, her randomizer gave me ‘Y’. I’m up for a challenge though! I decided to go for it. When I got stuck, my programmer husband-to-be used his crazy skills to give me a list of words that started with ‘y’. It’s like cheating. Except not because, well, Y is a hard letter and I came up with most of them on my own. Anyway, on with the list.
- Yellow – this one was easy! Yellow has been my favorite color for as long as I can remember. I like bright, sunny yellow or pastel yellow, nothing dark or greenish.
- York – Well, I’m currently living here, I’m not sure much else needs to be said! They say this is the best preserved medieval city in England and I love walking through history each and every day.
- Yankees – I’d be a little remiss if I didn’t mention my family’s favorite baseball team. I’m not a fan of baseball myself but if I was I’d be a Yankees fan.
- Yorkists – You know which side I’d be on if I was fighting in the Wars of the Roses. Historians shouldn’t be biased like this, but I’m taking a year off so I’m allowed for now!
- Yoda – I love Star Wars. In recent years I’ve come to realize that the original trilogy consists of my favorite movies of all time; I never get tired of them. I have a quote from Yoda on my bedroom wall at my parents’ house about how size doesn’t matter. I always thought it was relevant as I’m a rather tiny 5 feet and slender on top of that.
- Yarn -I enjoy crocheting and recently I’ve been thinking about taking up knitting as well. Looking at the yarn selection and picking just what I’m going to use to make my next project is one of my favorite parts of crafting.
- Yogurt – A great healthy snack and even better with fruit mixed in.
- Yeast – Okay, this is stretching it, but I love bread and bread products in general and they’re all made with yeast, so I think it works! Also, I bake and am looking forward to the day I can afford a breadmaker.
- Yule – I’m aware this isn’t technically Christmas, but for my purposes it’s close enough! As much as I hate Christmas music and mushy Christmas stories, I do like the season and picking gifts out for people (as long as I can afford them) and I’ll always remember being an excited child on Christmas morning.
- Yeoman warders – I’m getting a little desperate with this last one, but you have to admit the guys and girls at the Tower of London are very cool. I think it would be pretty cool to be one, but I wouldn’t like to stay in the Tower of London overnight. I don’t think I’d fancy meeting headless Anne Boleyn at 2 am, but maybe that’s just me!
Well, there’s my 10. Whew! I’m just glad I didn’t get x. Even my fiance’s super word finding tool doesn’t have much there. I thought about cheating a little and using Yorkshire, given that it’s gorgeous and historic on its own, but I decided to try a little harder than words that just start with “York”.
If you want to play along, leave me a comment and I’ll give you a letter!
I’ve asked Trish for a letter and I’m starting to get nervous about what I’m going to get.
Well I’m glad that you live in York, that was convenient! I never would have thought of Yoda – that’s a great one!
I’d love to play along, too!
I’ve been dying to visit York, since I seem to be subconsciously attracted to novels set in and around it (the Morland Dynasty series, or Silent on the Moor, or Candace Robb’s Owen Archer series…).
This seems to be cropping up everywhere. I’d like to play along!
Great list!! Y could have been difficult, but you had great answers. And I with you on everything except the Yankees. I grew up in northern Ohio and I’m a Tigers fan.
I love your list, especially Yoda. I would love to play along, too.