Good afternoon Saloners! This weekend finds me in full force blogging mode, in a way that hasn’t been spotted around here for a while. I’ve managed to write two full weeks’ worth of posts this week, so the pressure is off for the first time in months. I still have four reviews left to write, but given I started the weekend with eleven, I’m counting that as serious progress. As long as I don’t read too much, I can finish off those reviews over the course of the week and be completely caught up by the end of next weekend. Then, obviously, the goal is to stay caught up until the Read-a-thon. Speaking of which, have you signed up yet? Let me know if you’ll also be reading with me!
My week has been very uneventful aside from that; just work, a moderate amount of reading, and some Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood keeping me busy. We’re just over two weeks away from our trip to Rome, so keeping it low key is the plan until then. I’m going to spend a large part of the next two weekends planning out the trip in a bit more detail and it’s hard to express just how much I’m looking forward to it.
Today I’m reading Death of Kings by Bernard Cornwell, the latest in the Saxon Chronicles, which follow Uhtred of Bebbanburg as the discordant countries of Britain become, in part, the kingdom of England. In this particular book, Alfred the Great is on the edge of death, but the battles and intrigue never end for Uhtred, especially because he hasn’t actually regained Bebbanburg from his treacherous relatives yet. I love this series and I was thrilled when I was offered a review copy. As it turns out, Cornwell is also touring parts of England this week. Sadly, he’s not in my neck of the woods, but if you’re in London, Ely, or Winchester, you’re in luck.
As it turned out, I didn’t get to meet Philippa Gregory this week, as tickets had sold out before I knew she was visiting. (Probably a good thing given my opinion of her latest). But my heart is still set on meeting Brandon Sanderson in November, and I’m hoping more authors come to York over the next few months.
This week I’m especially looking forward to starting The Night Circus, a book which has captivated many of my blogging friends, and possibly continuing with more non-fiction. I finally feel as though I have the brain power to learn again, and I’m very much taking advantage of that feeling while it lasts.
What are you reading this week? Anything you’d recommend?
The Night Circus is definitely on my radar. Reading “Let the Right One In” now by John Ajvide Lindqvist and it is disturbing and creepy.
Natalie ~ the Coffee and a Book Chick´s last post …The Sunday Salon…Change is Coming.
I ordered Death of Kings for my husband (well, and for me later…). He’s read the rest of the series; I recently finished book two. We love Uhtred! Can’t wait to hear what you think of it.
Daphne´s last post …Photo Friday – #21
Getting ahead! You’re efficient. Especially with a trip coming up. I will probably finish N. Gemini Sasson’s Isabeau tonight. Haven’t decided what next. I haven’t read Robert Low’s Oathsworn series. I may pick that up.
JR Tomlin´s last post …Review of The Forever Queen by Helen Hollick
You have been a busy little blogger! Don’t you just love that feeling of getting caught up. So nice
Amused´s last post …Book Review: Already Home
Wow, you have been busy over there! I would love to be completely caught up, but it would probably entail me locking myself away in a room for a week! I am also glad to hear that your reading is going well. I haven’t had much steam and persistence when it comes to reading over the past week, and am feeling a little down about it. Also, I would love to one day get the chance to meet Philippa Gregory! She is a favorite of mine, but for some reason, I prefer her older stuff to her newer stuff. Have a great week ahead!
zibilee´s last post …Fiction Ruined My Family by Jeanne Darst — 320 pgs
Yay! I’m so glad to see The Night Circus everywhere all of a sudden. Cutest cover ever. I’m a little ways into it, right now and I’m enjoying it a great deal. Very cute. Very magical. Hope life slows down a bit for ya!
Pam (@iwriteinbooks)´s last post …TSS: Don’t Like Banned Books? Don’t Have One…
I just finished the second book in the Saxon Chronicles. I started this series last year and got off track but I can’t wait to continue. I trying to keep myself from rushing through them all.
Amy´s last post …The Sunday Salon – A Day Full of Bookish Events
I read The Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux. It’s pretty good; you should try it.
Congratulations on catching up! I think I’m more behind than I’ve ever been.
bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …SIBA 2011 – Part 1
I love Cornwell and should get back to the Saxon Chronicles. Awesome job catching up . . . and Rome? Wow.
Beth F´s last post …Review & Giveaway: Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
I wish I was readathoning this time, but as I’ll be on a plane to the sunshine I can’t really complain
Hope your trip to Rome is awesome. There’s a lot to get in because every place you visit turns out to be huge and you want to wnader for ages.
I hope you enjoy The Night Circus. I really enjoyed it!
Kailana´s last post …Week in Review (34) and Short Story Sunday – Week 3
Wow I’m very impressed with how much you’ve managed to write up. I have been trying to keep on top of my own reviews recently but didn’t have half as much to contend with as you, so well done!
I hope you enjoy Rome, it’s one place I’d really like to go too can’t wait to hear what you see and do. I’m also going away for a long weekend to North Wales. While there I’m planning to make real head way with The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson.
Jessicabookworm´s last post …Native American Myth and Legend – Mike Dixon-Kennedy