January 2025
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TSS: Books I Just Can’t Seem to Get To

There are only one and a half months left in my Year of Reading Deliberately and I find myself with quite a few books left that I haven’t read.  Not overall unreads – but books that I went into 2010 certain that I wanted to read this year, or which I acquired very early on in the year and haven’t actually gotten to yet.  The worst part?  None of them are even in my immediate TBR stack, which is making it look increasingly unlikely that I’ll get to them.  Clearly, if I want to read them, I’ll have to make them a priority over the next month and a half.

I didn’t really have a list when I originally set out on my goals – I just had broad priorities.  One I’ve definitely achieved – I’ve read more non-fiction.  In fact, it feels like I’m reading loads of it, and I love that!  I’ve also managed to get my reading plan going with 1/3 library books, 1/3 review copies, and 1/3 own books.  So overall, I’m not doing too badly, but there are still a few books on my shelf staring at me, telling me that I was supposed to read them months ago!  Here are just a few of them:

1. Warbreaker, Brandon Sanderson – I’ve had this book since it came out, and purchased it in hardcover no less.  I love Brandon Sanderson and I actually was convinced I’d read it right away.  Yet here we are, with the book out in paperback, and no less than three new books out from Sanderson (including his WoT books), and I still haven’t read it.  If anything, this book seriously proves that I’m turning down long books, because I still really want to read it.  This is going on the immediate TBR.

2. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Michael Chabon – I got this one for my birthday right at the beginning of the year and was so excited – I finally had a copy, I could finally read it!  Once again, didn’t happen, despite the fact that it’s now been recommended by far more people than it had been when I originally bought it, and I’ve really wanted to read something by Chabon.  And it’s another long book.  I’m prioritizing this, too, by pulling it off the shelf and putting it in the stack.

3. Generation A, Douglas Coupland – I didn’t actively seek this book out, I won it, but after that it received boatloads of praise in every review I found.  I even mentioned on Twitter that I wanted to read it soon.  And still I haven’t – even though I’ve owned it for just under a year.

4. King’s Shield, Sherwood Smith – I persuaded myself to read the second in this series over a year ago, and finally found myself so wrapped up in it that I bought this one, number 3 – and number 4 in hardcover! – convinced I wanted to know what happened next so badly that I’d read it ASAP.  Did I?  No, of course not; as you might expect, this is another long book that I’d probably love.

5. The Tea Rose, Jennifer Donnelly – Even loving A Northern Light and heaps of praise didn’t convince me that I wanted to pick up this massive chunkster.  But it’s another book I’m sure I’ll adore, once I pick it up.  I’m so sure that I even have the sequel!  Sensing a pattern yet?

Anyway, just because I’ve left those unread doesn’t mean I’m not getting to books that have been waiting equally as long.  I’m in the midst of A Company of Liars by Karen Maitland, a book that has been on my shelves for two years, and I’ll be reading The Book Thief soon, a SantaThing gift from two years ago. It just seems that there isn’t enough time to read all the books that I’d aimed to read.  I get interrupted by the vast amount of new books available to me, and it’s certainly gotten worse since I picked up the Kindle.  I’ve been downloading books from Netgalley like there’s no tomorrow, and then reading them instead of my physical TBR pile.  I have loved all but one of those, but that doesn’t mean I won’t love the books I have, too.  To top it all off, I just purchased no less than 11 new books, my last “hurrah” before a buying ban that should last me until Christmas.

But these five are coming out of hiding.  I’m putting them in a spot where I can’t miss them and making it a goal to read them before 2010 is up.

What books were you certain that you were going to get to this year?  Have you read them yet?


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