I think the weather obeyed my last week’s post at least a little bit, because we did have a few sunny days this week. Unfortunately, I’ve now proceeded to get a milder version of my husband’s flu, right in time to start my new job tomorrow. It’s going to be an excellent week, I tell you – so I’ve decided to go on a week-long break just to make sure I’m recovering. If I’m well and energetic enough to come back before next week, I will do so.
In the meantime, though, let’s see what I read in February.
- And the Miss Ran Away with the Rake, Elizabeth Boyle
- The Scandalous, Dissolute, No-Good Mr. Wright, Tessa Dare
- Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance, Lois McMaster Bujold
- The Water Witch, Juliet Dark
- The Map of Lost Memories, Kim Fay
- Blood’s Pride, Evie Manieri
- Nightshifted, Cassie Alexander
- State of Wonder, Ann Patchett
- Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond
- The Curious History of Love, Jean-Claude Kaufmann
That’s 10 books read; not too bad for the shortest month of the year! I’m aiming for 150 books this year, and according to Goodreads I’m only one book behind schedule.
That reminds me – I am not sure I said here, but after 6 years of loyal LibraryThing-only usage I’ve actually started using Goodreads, too, for 2013. The main reason is, honestly, because they have an iPhone app, and I like the way I can update how far I am in a book at any given time and reliably track how long something takes me to read. I can do it in LibraryThing too, but Goodreads is easier.
Also, as a last note, there is one book on that list above which I’m definitely not going to review, and that book is The Curious History of Love. I am not really sure what to say about it because I found it a really bizarre book that was very incoherent and, as a result, I’m not sure any review I could give it would be coherent. Mainly, I’d recommend not reading it at all.
Favorite of the Month
I haven’t managed to review this book yet, but I loved it. I’ve actually loved all that I’ve read of Ann Patchett so far, and I’m looking forward to reviewing this one. Quite a few of the other books I read this month were really good, too, but this one was a gem.
How was your reading month?
You had a great month in books. I use LT and GR too – I like the stats GR generates.
bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …Weekend Cooking: D’Lish Deviled Eggs
Ugh. The word of the day today…on yours, because I keep forgetting about Lois McMaster Bujold. I still mean to read that Milos (?) V. (sorry, can’t spell it and too lazy to Google it right now) series. I’ll know what it is after I’ve read it, I guess.
Bryan´s last post …I want some more, I want some more…
great month! I also love everything I have read by Patchett, and State of Wonder was fabulous. here is my own Feb recap: http://wordsandpeace.com/2013/03/01/2013-february-wrap-up/
Emma @ Words And Peace´s last post …Giveaway winner of: A Tainted Dawn
I love the cover of State of Wonder! I think you had a great reading month. How was Guns, Germs, and Steel? I hope you get over the flu really fast. Good luck on your first day at the new job.
Vasilly´s last post …Sunday Salon: Looking back at February and March Reading Plans
Hope you feel better soon! Having heard so much about it I’m not surprised the Patchett was your favourite. My reading month was good too, I read much more than I thought I would.
Charlie´s last post …Bianca Zander – The Girl Below
I had a good month in February and am glad to see your’s went well too. Sorry to hear your ill, get well soon!
jessicabookworm´s last post …What’s New to My Kindle?
I started out on LibraryThing but now use Goodreads pretty much exclusively. A big part of the reason is the same as yours, but also because of community aspects of GR.
Hope you feel better soon, good luck with the new job and here’s to a great reading month for March.
Marg´s last post …The Turncoat by Donna Thorland