January 2025
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TSS: Getting Restless …

tssbadge1I don’t know about you, but this last part of winter is the absolute hardest. I’m completely ready for it to be spring, for the weather to warm up, and for cheery events to happen. Daffodil plants are poking through the soil all around York, but there aren’t any flowers yet. The past couple of weeks have felt like a real slog to me, made worse by the fact that mid-last week my husband came down with the flu. I thought I was ready for a quiet weekend at home, but it turns out I really wasn’t, and certainly not one where he isn’t up to much but resting.

In addition, I’m starting a new job a week from tomorrow, and this is my last week at my old work. I’ve been on my notice period since the beginning of January and I’m sure that the perceived change ahead is part of what’s driving my restlessness. I know something different is around the corner and I’ve never been a particularly patient person, which isn’t serving me well right now. I’m both looking forward to it and anxious about it.

I’m also starting to spend time planning our trips for this year. Ever since I went to Barcelona last October, I’ve decided that I want to see much more of Spain. I went with work, so I’ve decided to take my husband there since I liked it so much, and then to go much further south to Granada, one of the strongholds of Islam in Spain in the Middle Ages. I haven’t decided if we will be travelling anywhere else yet – the trip would be some months away – but I’m already looking forward to it, and planning travels keeps my mind off the fact that I’m stuck at home at present. I have no idea when we’ll go or if we’ll actually choose somewhere else this year, but I’m determined to go, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s that so I might as well start the planning.

Even reading hasn’t quite been pulling me out of my funk. I finished Blood’s Pride by Evie Manieri, which was great, but first I spent over a week reading The Map of Lost Memories by Kim Fay. It was a book that was okay, but never really called to me, and since then I’ve been looking for something more absorbing.

All of these are quite small gripes and I know that I have a lot to be grateful for – a new job in a poor economy, the possibility of travel, even just the shelves of unread books waiting to carry me away – but I know I’ll be happier when the sun comes out. In the meantime, I’m off to go choose something to read next.


10 comments to TSS: Getting Restless …

  • We know how you feel here in the States, well, at least in the Northeast of the U.S. I’m getting a little, more than a little, sick of winter too. Today is dark and cloudy here. I want to see the sun too. :(
    Bryan´s last post …On reading, watching the Daytona 500 and the Oscars

  • I just started getting that restlessness when a quiet weekend comes up last year, I think a side effect from getting out of the habit of managing my own time as I had a bunch going on at weekends. It really bothers me, restlessness keeps me from doing anything, grrr and planning is all I’m good for when the feeling strikes.

    So good on you for making use of the time to plan a holiday to Spain, one of the funnest things I can think of in the depths of winter. I went on an intense sight seeing holiday in Barcelona a couple of years ago, so if you want any thoughts from me on cool places just drop me a line. I went to Madrid two years ago as well and if you do fancy travelling it’s lovely. I hear Seville is supposed to be beautiful and have always wanted to try it.
    Jodie´s last post …The Vampire Diaries: Series Three: Episodes 11 – 15

  • Seville is indeed beautiful – the whole of Andalusia is definitely worth seeing. I haven’t been to Granada, but that and Córdoba have always been on my list.

    Congrats on the new job, Meghan! Will you be working in the same area of digital marketing or is it a new to you field? I totally understand being anxious about the change, but hopefully you’ll get settled in no time and everything will go well.
    Ana @ things mean a lot´s last post …A little break (also some links!)

  • Completely agree with Bryan. Winter has what seems to be a death-grip on us here in Pittsburgh and I can’t wait for spring. My daffodil shoots are starting to pop up, too. Tomorrow our botanical gardens are having a free admission day and I think I am going to go. I need to see growing things, I think.
    Melissa´s last post …The Sunday Salon: On Breaking Up with an Author

  • We haven’t had much winter so I haven’t been complaining about the weather. I know you’ll be fabulous in your new job! Your trip sounds great!
    bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …Weekend Cooking: Triple Citrus Cheesecake

  • I’m in Texas, so I can’t complain like those with snow, but when I read the first sentence of your post, I thought, “Yes!” I’m so ready for spring. It’s been really rainy here, which is fine, but when it’s damp, it makes my 107-year-old house on piers very chilly. Plus, I can’t be out and about doing as much.

    Congrats on the new job! Here’s to getting through the next few weeks…
    jenn aka the picky girl´s last post …“Like Jane Eyre But Without the Crazy Wife”

  • I totally sympathise this winter has been hard and I can’t wait for Spring now!
    jessicabookworm´s last post …Re-Read: The Magician’s Nephew

  • When the weather picked up I stupidly thought that that was it, and now, yeah, winter’s still not going anywhere. Best of luck in your new job. Here’s hoping the sun comes back and for good, at least for as long as it does here.
    Charlie´s last post …On Schedules And Having Ideas

  • We have had a brisker winter here, but it’s starting to get really warm here, and I hate it. I can’t understand how I have lived in Florida my whole life, and not gotten used to the heat! I know that for others, winter has dragged on, and they are wishing for warmer temperatures, so I can understand your restlessness. I think it’s pretty cool that you will be traveling to historical locations in Spain this year though! I say continue planning; it might just keep the doldrums away.
    zibilee´s last post …Call the Midwife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy and Hard Times by Jennifer Worth — Audiobook Review

  • I’ve been thinking of no kidneys too as a way of getting through the icy spell. I’ve not been to Granada but if its moorish architecture yiu are interested in then there are two places yiu should seriously consider. Seville which has a wonderful set of royal palaces and gardens similar to Granada but slightly smaller. And the best of all Cordoba for the medina enclosed in a Christian cathedral. Yiu can do the who,e journey by train very easily.