Isn’t it fantastic when an author sends you little goodies to promote their products? I’ll be reviewing Christine Blevins’s newest book, The Turning of Anne Merrick, in a couple of weeks for the blog tour put together by Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours, and Christine sent along a lovely little collection of items designed to get readers in the mood for the seventeenth century while enjoying her historical novels.
That’s two little bags of tea, one from before the Revolution, and one from during, small scented lavender soap, two bayberry candles, and a letter. This was such a fun package to open and I was particularly impressed that it came across the pond to me. Last time I reviewed The Tory Widow, Christine also sent along a couple of surprises, but I hadn’t expected it this time. I’m looking forward to the book even more now!
Secondly, I’ve developed a surprisingly intense desire to read more science fiction, but my own shelves seem a bit empty when it comes to this – I’ve got one book left by John Scalzi after reading all of his, and another book left in the Miles Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster Bujold. I also have Leviathan Wakes sitting on my shelf. I’m only not participating in Carl’s Science Fiction Experience because I always fail when challenges are made official, but I’d love to know what you’d recommend to me to add to the shelves, as I know I’ve read nowhere near enough.
Have a wonderful Sunday and a fantastic week, everyone!
What a neat little package! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the book, and I hope that you are going to be reading it with that nice cup of tea by your side!
What a fun surprise to receive! I’m sure it will all add to your enjoyment of the book.
I havent’ accepted an ARC in a long time, but no one ever offered me goodies along with one. Here’s hoping you like the book. There’s such a wide range of science fiction out there, you’ll have to find things that suit your own taste. If you like the Jim Butcher series, you’ll find there are even science fiction detective stories, almost enough for an official subgenre. Maybe you can search both terms on Good Reads or Library Thing (science fiction AND detective) Hope you have fun with the challenge.
I have a few science fiction series and books on my radar and bookshelves for this year. Among them are the Hyperion series by Dan Simmons, the 2001 series by Arthur C. Clarke, the Ender series by Orson Scott Card and a couple of series by Robert J. Sawyer that I picked up off the benches of books for our library book sale (as a member of the library staff, I’m allowed to do that :)).
I just started reading the Miles Vorkosigan series and I still have only the first Scalzi. I like science-fiction, but it tends to fall by the wayside as the year progresses. I really need to do better with that.
Have you read Ursula Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness? It’s a difficult read, but one really worth making the time for. I keep recommending it to Jodie, too, and I think it would be an awesome idea for the two of you to read it together
It’s the kind of book that’s really enhanced by a discussion, I think.
Actually, I have read that, but it was in high school and I had zero appreciation for it at the time – thanks for reminding me! That is an excellent candidate for a reread.
There is nothing better than receiving a parcel of bookish goodies, and especially one so well themed and thoughtful.
What a very cool package!!
I’ve never gotten any goodies like that along with a book, but it does sound nice.
You’ll have to tell us how you like the teas!