February 2025
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TSS: Not the Easiest of Weeks

I’ve refrained from being too personal on this blog in a while, but this has not been a particularly easy week for me. We’ve had the first indications that my mom may be getting a diagnosis that I do not want to hear again – my younger brother passed away of cancer five years ago, and I have been petrified since that I will lose someone else to it. I’m doing my best to provide comfort and not let it get to me until the diagnosis is definite, but this has been a hard week. I hope things don’t get worse as the next few weeks continue.

Partly because of this I’ve signed up for a “Flying without Fear” course from Virgin Atlantic, scheduled for late April, something I’ve meant to do for a while. I’m terrified of flying and it seems to get worse every time I fly (bad news when your family is all on a different continent), so I’m looking forward to banishing that and feeling comfortable with travel again. Even if my mom comes out perfectly fine and just has an easily-banished infection, I’d like to look forward to visiting my family and going on vacation with my husband.

In other news, the rest of life has continued as normal, which always feels strange when there is so much turmoil in your personal life. This week was my one-year working anniversary, which feels weird; as I said on Twitter, work makes time both drag and fly. I think this is the first year that I’ve managed to stay in one place, doing one thing, since I was in high school. I also passed my Life in the UK test this week, so I am all set for my next visa – indefinite leave to remain – which I will be applying for in November. That visa pretty much means I can live in the UK for however long I want, so we’ll at least never have to worry about immigration to this side of the pond again.

Unsurprisingly, I’ve also been reading a lot. I spent quite a lot of this week wading through the tome that is A World on Fire (Amazon UK) by Amanda Foreman, a truly epic history of relations between the USA and England during the American Civil War. It’s the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and I was prompted to acquire this one thanks to BBC history magazine, which spotlighted both the anniversary and recommended this book, and Amazon.co.uk Vine which featured it at just the right time. It’s totally different from Foreman’s last book about Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, but fascinating if slow going. I read a few other short books around it, as I generally do, but it’s been my main read for over a week now, and will probably persist into next week as well.

So that’s my week – how has yours been? Are you reading anything good?

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