February 2025
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TSS: Officially Giving Up

I’ve decided to quit NaNoWriMo this year. I could probably persevere and hit the required word count; I got up to the halfway mark earlier this week. But I’ll be perfectly honest; I’m not enjoying it. I went out on a limb and started writing a fantasy without planning too much, because I’ve always been a seat-of-the-pants writer. As it turns out, not so much these days. I’m not having fun, and I could probably use my time more wisely than sitting here writing a story I’m no longer invested in. I’m finding it more stressful than anything else, and I don’t need voluntary stress.

So, I’ve changed my plans, and I’m going to try using the rest of the time I would have spent writing this month on planning a new novel. I need to figure out what’s going to happen to these people, or at least a little bit more about who they are, and mostly how they’re going to end up. And I just can’t write that many words a day. I give A LOT of credit to those who can – but it’s just not in me this time. So, here’s hoping for next year, and for a new project.

In reading news, as you can imagine, there hasn’t been very much going on. This week I managed to finish Praetorian by Simon Scarrow, and I’ll be posting a review for that tomorrow. I also just read A Moveable Feast this weekend; I’ve been meaning to read Hemingway’s own account of his early life in Paris ever since I finished The Paris Wife, and it promised to be as rewarding as I thought it might. I’ll be trying to review that one, too. And in future news, I squeezed in Trouble at the Wedding by Laura Lee Guhrke for some relaxation – it was just the thing I needed this week, so if you’ve been thinking about pre-ordering, I suggest you do so.

And that’s all the news from me this Sunday evening. This week, I’ll be heading to London for work, and I’m hoping to get some more reading done on the train there and back. This also means I won’t be celebrating American Thanksgiving on Thursday, but I wish a wonderful holiday with family and friends to all who are.

How are you all doing this second to last week in November?


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