February 2025
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TSS: The End of BBAW and Slow Reading

Hello everyone and happy Sunday! Before I say anything else, I really want to thank everyone who went and voted for me for Best Historical Fiction Blog for BBAW. It’s such an honour to win again – I won last year and in 2008 – and I’m so pleased. The blogs nominated with me, Passages to the Past and Historical Tapestry, are absolutely spectacular blogs that I read myself, which to be honest makes the award worth even more in my eyes.

If you’re new and popping by because of BBAW, welcome! As you’ll quickly realize, I don’t just blog about Historical Fiction, but history and the books written about it are a subject dear to my heart, and were always intended to be at the core of this blog. Please stay awhile, let me know you’re here, and I’ll make sure I pop over and visit you.

It’s really been a fantastic week, so I’d like to thank Amy and all of the organizers – they have as usual done an exceptional job.

What I’m struggling with these days is my reading pace – it feels slow as molasses! I’m actually at the pace I thought would be normal when I started working, which is 2-3 books a week instead of the 4-5 I used to read. This is due to a number of factors – extra work, which has continued, a new-found addiction to various nerdy magazines, and spending in general more time out and about now that we’re in York. I can’t complain about any of those things, and I’m obviously enjoying at least two of them, but I find myself confident I’ll read a certain book by a certain time only to find out that it’s actually impossible. I’m not sure how to manage this – I think I may just cut back on review copies completely again, but that won’t clear the backlog.

Anyway, this week is going to be full of posting, so I hope you’re ready for it! I’ll be sharing reviews of all different kinds of books, from fantasy to YA to (hah) historical fiction, and I also plan to share some of my trip to Bruges with you.

In reading terms, today I’m working on finishing The Emperor of All Maladies, which is fantastic but really hard to read because of the subject matter. I’m also planning on starting Philippa Gregory’s recent works for review the week after – I’ll be starting with The Women of the Cousin’s War. She’s coming to town on Thursday and I’m hoping there will still be tickets left when I enquire on Monday.

I also found out Brandon Sanderson is coming to York in November through Twitter, at which point much fangirl squeeing ensued. I’m not entirely sure how I will get into town and back on my lunch hour, but I’m determined to try. I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally live in a place where author events happen.

I’m also looking forward to the resuming of Downton Abbey tonight on TV!

What do you have planned for the week ahead? I hope you have a fantastic Sunday!


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