Hello friends! October sped by in a flash, it seems; a week away and then a weekend away towards the end of the month means that we’re nearly halfway through November and I’m still not sure where the time went.
In October I had the privilege of going to Barcelona, Spain for work. While I did spend most of my time at the office, working and learning, there were palm trees outside to remind us that we were in fact in Spain.
We also were fortunate enough to have an evening free to explore. One of my favorite sights was the city’s second cathedral; not the famous La Sagrada Familia, still unfinished, but instead the medieval one towards the center of the city. Awash with golden light, with thirteen white geese in the cloisters to represent the saint to whom the church is dedicated, I found it to be an absolutely magical place.
Inside, I lit a candle for my younger brother, who would have been 25 last Friday and who passed away seven years ago this coming December. It just felt right.
In reading news, I finished ten books in October. I’ve discovered a trend in my reading now where I finish books in clusters on weekends and don’t really read that much in the week. Just glad I’m still in double digits!
- Among Others, Jo Walton
- The Alloy of Law, Brandon Sanderson
- Fate’s Edge, Ilona Andrews
- Days of Splendor, Days of Sorrow, Juliet Grey
- Lord of Temptation, Lorraine Heath
- Unholy Magic, Stacia Kane
- The Scottish Witch, Cathy Maxwell
- Ill Wind, Rachel Caine
- Imagine, Jonah Lehrer
- The Origins of Sex, Faramerz Dabhoiwala
Once again, the benefits of reading much less than I used to – I’m actually not that far behind on reviews! I still have a few from September (eek) but overall, I’m pleased.
Favorite of the Month
Easy choice this month, I loved this book to bits. If you haven’t read it yet, you should!
I am finding the year just FLYING by! It is a blink and you miss it year…
Kailana´s last post …Weekend Cooking: Chew – Volume 1: Taster’s Choice by John Layman
It seemed like October dragged by to me, but then I didn’t go to Spain.
heidenkind´s last post …New to You: THE HUNTING OF THE SNARK by Lewis Carroll
What beautiful weather! The cathedral is also beautiful. Despite the travelling and work I’m not surprised you read so much, surrounded by inspiration.
Charlie´s last post …Reading: Cause And Effect
great month! I read Grey’s book some time ago. here is my Oct wrap-up: http://wordsandpeace.com/2012/11/02/october-2012-wrap-up/
Emma @ Words And Peace´s last post …(2012)#57 review: The Master And Margarita