February 2025
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TSS: Walking Adventures

Seems like summer – at least as the UK experiences it – has finally arrived in the beginning of September! We’ve spent the last two weekends exploring the area around a town in the North York Moors called Goathland.

This is a fantastic little town for walking with plenty to see – it has a waterfall called Mallyan Spout:


Lots of lovely paths across the moor, which is just coming out of the deep purple heather season:

And a Roman / no one actually knows but it’s certainly old road:

It also has its fair share of sheep, pubs, and other walkers, but I didn’t take any pictures of those. Next time! Hoping the weather holds until next weekend at least so we can continue to enjoy the countryside – it’s rained so much this summer that this is our first real chance.

I did fit in some reading yesterday, finished Small Favour by Jim Butcher and The Hidden Goddess by M.K. Hobson. I’ve now moved on to 1356 by Bernard Cornwell, which is going to be released later this month and so far promises to be just as good as his previous books. I’ll be reviewing that in a couple of weeks’ time.

This week, I’m anticipating BBAW and hoping to participate in a few of the post topics. I’ve always enjoyed this week, and I’m definitely looking forward to catching up and finding some new bloggers to follow.

Have a great week everyone!


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