September 2024
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Weekend Cooking: First Homemade Pizza

Weekend CookingPizza has always been one of my favorite foods. According to my mother, it started in the womb, as she craved pizza like nothing else while pregnant with me and there has never been a moment in my life where I wasn’t happy to eat pizza! On the whole, I find British pizza very disappointing, and so my husband and I entered into our latest kitchen experiment: pizza making.

We didn’t really do it the labor-intensive way – we used a store-bought crust mix and a store-bought jar of pizza sauce. We figured that if we enjoyed the results, we’d then go for it and make our own crust and sauce, plus invest in a better actual surface to cook the pizza on. We only have a metal standard pizza tray, which is never going to make the pizza very crispy. Regardless, though, we thought it turned out pretty well!

We have very different tastes in pizzas, so we started with a half-and-half. Keith’s half was barbecue chicken, with barbecue sauce and some roasted onions and peppers, and my half was more traditional with just sauce, cheese, and basil, though I did throw some olives on there to spice it up a little. Here is a before-the-oven photo:

As you can see, I’m not good at rolling out the crust yet! But here is the cooked picture anyway:

Like I expected, the crust wasn’t particularly crispy, but we were both quite pleased with our first effort! And we enjoyed the results, so I think homemade pizza will be happening in my kitchen again soon.

For more adventures in Weekend Cooking, visit our hostess over at Beth Fish Reads!


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