On an otherwise ordinary day, in a small shrimping village off the coast of South Carolina, a boat goes missing. The entire town rallies as all are mobilized to find the lost vessel. Throughout the course of one day, flashbacks of Bud Morrison, the captain on board, and Carolina, his wife, reveal the happier days of a once-thriving shrimping industry juxtaposed with the memories of their long term marriage.
Bud and Carolina fell in love at first sight, but that doesn’t mean their life together has been an easy one. Their marriage has hugely deteriorated in recent years not only because of the decline of the shrimping industry but also because of a lack of communication and an unwillingness to forgive each other for sins committed in the past. Over the course of this novel, they realize how much they need to find their way back to each other properly, not just go through the motions.
Even though these two main characters are in a completely different stage of life than I am, I still enjoyed this book and appreciated their bond. This was made somewhat easier by the fact that their flashbacks encompassed all of their history, from the moment they met to their happiest moments to the mistakes they made. The story was told in such a way that even though tension was building in the present day because of Bud’s accident, the flashbacks were still important and appropriate as both characters endure a particularly difficult day.
At the core, this is very much a book about relationships. The novel takes us through the entirety of Bud’s and Carolina’s short courtship and marriage and we can see how they’ve changed and grown, for good or for bad, and eventually shows how they got to where they are in the present day scenes. It isn’t just about them, though, it’s also their daughter Lizzy and her ex-husband Josh, their relationship with Carolina’s parents, developments between the friends that they made as youths, and among other shrimpers on the ocean. It’s in a sense about the entire community and how it has changed right along with them in the thirty years since Bud and Carolina met and fell in love.
Last Light over Carolina feels very Southern. The characters’ accents aren’t spelled out phonetically, but the way they speak and their mannerisms more than make it clear. I loved the descriptions of life on the shrimping boat, the difficulties of working such long hours, the pain from hard labor, but with the beauty of watching the early morning sunrise and feeling free on the open ocean. It’s easy to see how the various characters are drawn to this life even as the supply of shrimp begins to let them down. The scenery is evoked wonderfully and places us right in South Carolina, in the Atlantic Ocean, and at times in Florida. One of the blurbs on the cover says that this book brings the South to life and that feels true throughout the narrative.
I definitely enjoyed my time with this novel. I came to appreciate the characters as I went on and to care about their plights. I would love to go on a shrimper and see what they experienced for real. Last Light over Carolina is a wonderful book and it’s well worth reading these carefully crafted pages.
Check out some of the other fantastic blogs on today’s tour:
All About {n}: www.bookwormygirl.blogspot.com
Bookin’ with “BINGO”: http://bookinwithbingo.blogspot.com/
My Guilty Pleasures: http://www.mgpblog.com/
Just Jennifer Reading: http://www.justjenniferreading.blogspot.com/
Chick With Books: http://www.chickwithbooks.blogspot.com/
Bella’s Novella: http://www.bellasnovella.com/
Books and Needlepoint: http://booksandneedlepoint.blogspot.com/
Booksie’s Blog: http://booksiesblog.blogspot.com/
Beth Fish Reads: http://bfishreads.blogspot.com/
Living Life and Reading Books: http://ilovelovebooks.blogspot.com/
Book N Around: http://booknaround.blogspot.com/
The Eclectic Book Hoarder: http://eclecticbookhoarder.blogspot.com/
Pick of the Literate: http://bookrevues.blogspot.com/
A Book Bloggers Diary: http://abookbloggersdiary.blogspot.com/
My Friend Amy: http://www.myfriendamysblog.com/
The Tome Traveller’s Weblog: http://thetometraveller.blogspot.com/
Gaijin Mama: http://gaijinmama.wordpress.com/
Blog Business World: http://blogbusinessworld.blogspot.com/
ScarpettaJunkie’s Blog: http://scarpettajunkie.wordpress.com/
Frugal Plus: http://frugalplus.com/
Carolina Gal’s Literary Café: http://susansliterarycafe.blogspot.com/
This Book For Free: www.thisbookforfree.com
Marta’s Meanderings: http://martasmeanderings.blogspot.com/
I love it when books have different backdrops and character occupations. It’s a good way to learn something new while reading. Shrimping is one that I definitely haven’t run across before. I’ve read one other review of this and it looks good. Mary Alice Monroe is a new author to me, but I like the way her style sounds
Nicole’s last blog post..This Just In! In the Wake of the Boatman, by Jonathon Scott Fuqua
Normally, I wouldn’t be interested in a book with lots of details about shrimping, but this one sounds really good.
Anna’s last blog post..Mailbox Monday — July 6/July 13
I loved this book and want to read more of Monroe’s work now. The characters speech and mannerisms seemed perfectly normal to me!
Kathy’s last blog post..Review: Last Light over Carolina
This sounds like a great book to read. I’m adding it to my TBR list. Great review.
Vasilly’s last blog post..Sunday Salon – Book Coveting Women Writers
I’m not actually on this tour, but I can’t wait to get a copy of the book and read it. I love a southern setting and I like books about relationships.
Beth F’s last blog post..Where Are You? / Teaser Tuesday (July 14): Inventing Montana by Ted Leeson
It was a wonderful book, you are right, the Southern feel came right through. Great review!
Carey’s last blog post..Review and Blog Tour: Last Light Over Carolina by Mary Alice Monroe
We both felt the same way about this novel. It was a great read. I almost mentioned that I wanted to go on a shrimper, but it made me feel a little too much like Carolina’s father. I don’t want to be accessed of just wanting a story to tell (okay, not at the country club because I don’t belong to one…). LOL! I really like reading reviews of books I’ve read where the other reviewer loves it as much as I do. I’m feeling the glow.
Literate Housewife’s last blog post..#181 ~ Last Light over Carolina ~ Review and Blog Tour
i’ve seen this one around lately and i’m interested. i live in a coastal community where many neighbors make their livings fishing the ocean. i enjoyed your review.
nat @ book, line, and sinker’s last blog post..‘Til Books Do Us Part: Is Your Partner a Reader?
There’s just something about a Southern setting that makes a book so irrestible. This sounds like a great book, Meghan. Thank you for your wonderful review.
Literary Feline’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Pitstop at the USAF Academy (Part 6)
Sounds like something I would enjoy. Great review!
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