February 2025
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Nefertiti, Michelle Moran

Daughters of a powerful family, Nefertiti and Mutnodjmet know that their lives are quite possibly destined to be remembered, but only Nefertiti will be married to the young Pharaoh Amunhotep.  Mutny, her devoted younger sister, serves as her sister’s first handmaiden, but soon begins to resent her position as Amunhotep and Nefertiti begin to see beyond themselves and seize power that is not theirs to grasp.  She struggles between love for her sister and a life of her own as Egypt is slowly attacked by foreign armies and corruption from within.

I had this book waiting for a couple of months, which was silly of me because I loved it and should have read it immediately.   Mutny is endearing; what she wants is what every woman wants, although her every desire is hampered by her constant need to serve her family, especially Nefertiti.  The queen herself sometimes comes across as a spoiled child, beguiled by her husband’s wishes, but it’s easy to see why the people loved her and why she is still remembered.

Nefertiti is also very striking for its beautifully described setting.  Reading this book is like sinking into Egypt.  I think every historical fiction work should try to show us how it may have been to live then, and this book succeeds, both on the level of the palace and on the level of the commoner.  It felt so authentic to me, and when I was away from it I couldn’t wait to get back. You can tell that Michelle Moran loves history because it’s obvious that she’s been to Egypt and poured research, time, and love into this book. I was happy when the afterword proved me right on that score.  Nefertiti shines with discreet details and description that simply engross the reader.  I particularly liked the descriptions of the makeup; I’ve always wondered how they got that distinctive look that you can see in their art and on sculptures, or if the people even made themselves look that way.  Here I could almost see how beautiful Nefertiti was and how they enhanced her beauty.

Moran’s writing is also very good and never jolted me out of the tale, as sometimes happens.  She makes it very easy to get lost in the story and to feel that the characters are real and sitting right next to you telling you their story.  I can’t wait to learn more about their adventures in her next book.

I definitely recommend this, especially to historical fiction buffs.  It does exactly what historical fiction should do, and does it so well that it could be a template.  I can’t wait for Moran’s next book, which looks to be released in September! In the meantime, you can buy this book from Amazon. You can also check out Michelle Moran’s website or her blog.


8 comments to Nefertiti, Michelle Moran

  • I really, really need to pick this up soon. I adore ancient Egypt and have heard so many good things about this book! Thank you for your insightful review.

  • I am so glad you liked this one! I really enjoyed reading it to! I loved the author’s
    depiction of life in Egypt at the time, and I found Mutny to be such an easy character to

  • I love Egypt, though I haven’t read much historical fiction. I’m adding this to my TBR list! Thanks :)

  • William Klein

    Moran’s Nefertiti is seen in better perspective if you understand what you’re buying in the first place. The novel belongs to that genre we call historical romance rather than historical fiction. It’s the sort of novel where little is expected of the author in the way of research or character development. And it’s fine for people who like that sort of thing. The confusion between literature and fluff would have been impossible before the age of computers when blogs were called essays and were written by serious people, and lies were not as common as weeds in a garden gone to ruin.

    I’m going to suggest you look at my blog “Egyptian Facts and Fiction.” Click on http://wklein722.blogspot.com.

  • I loved this one and The Heretic Queen and cannot wait for Cleopatra’s Daughter. Michelle is a great author and really opens my imagination up to the Egyptian world in a fascination I did not know I had. Great review.

  • Goodness me, with the comment from the one skeptic, sounds like he does not like the idea of blogging much less the book. So why seek out a post to comment upon? Silly man. No friends or points to him from this reviewer. Your review is fab and I approve!! Cannot wait for more books from Michelle, the really peak my imagination and keep me going for more page turns not bored from facts, but intrigued.

    MJ @ Creative Madness’s last blog post..Deceptive Promises by Amber Miller (a review)

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