September 2024
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Read-a-Thon Mini Reviews: On the Edge and Wishful Drinking

I fully intended to write full reviews for these books, but time has gone away from me!  I thought mini-reviews would be easier and then I’d have less chance of forgetting what I actually read.

Wishful DrinkingWishful Drinking, Carrie Fisher

In this memoir, Carrie Fisher takes the opportunity to humorously reflect on what she remembers of her life since she got electroshock therapy.  The famous actress talks about such topics as her parents’ many marriages and her movie experiences with pictures to illustrate her life.

I mostly chose this book because I’ve always been a huge Star Wars fan.  I knew Carrie Fisher has had quite a challenging life, so I thought it would make for interesting reading besides the Star Wars memories.  Unfortunately I was disappointed on both fronts.  She mentions very little about Star Wars and she treats her whole life as a joke.  I could definitely tell the book was first a stand-up routine, but it wasn’t really funny in writing.  A couple of jokes caught me, but for the most part I could tell it was meant to be funny but wasn’t working.

On the bright side, the book was short and it took me less than two hours to read, making it a good Read-a-Thon choice from a totals perspective!

On the EdgeOn the Edge, Ilona Andrews

Rose Drayton lives on the Edge, between the magic world (The Weird) and the nonmagic world (The Broken).  Edgers can easily travel between the worlds – Rose works in the Broken – but don’t feel at home in either.  Because Rose’s magic is far stronger than it should be, she’s been pursued as a marriage prospect for years.  All she wants is to stay home and take care of her little brothers.  The world’s not going to leave her alone, though, because one day Declan Camarine, a noble from the Weird, walks straight into her life and refuses to leave.  When strange things start attacking people in the Edge, Rose has to get past her dislike of Declan and work with him to save her home.

Ilona Andrews, really the pseudonym of a husband and wife pair of writers, continues to put out awesome books.  This one is definitely not an exception.  It’s more romantic than the Kate Daniels series (not like I mind!) and is quite self-contained, so I’m not sure whether not it will be developed into a series.  I really liked the two boys, Georgie and Jack, and the different ways they, Rose, and Declan all had magic.  If there is another book in the series, I hope we can spend more time in the Weird!

I am an Amazon Associate. I borrowed one of these books and purchased the other.


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