When a little boy’s family is murdered in a horrible raid, an Otori lord saves his life and gives him a new name, Takeo. For Takeo’s family was of the Hidden, a tribe which has been persecuted throughout their country, and Shigeru knows that Takeo’s identity will get him killed. As the story unfolds, Takeo realizes that he has somewhat extraordinary skills; he can hear unnaturally well, be in two places at once, and even draw better than a normal person. He is a born assassin and he is determined to wreak revenge on the man who killed his family. Meanwhile, Kaede is a helpless prisoner, forced into a marriage agreement with Shigeru after years of deprivation and unhappiness. Her marriage offers hope until Kaede realizes just what she’s getting into.
This YA fantasy was a total change of pace. It’s set in a fictional feudal Japan, a beautiful setting that evokes a much different feel than most fantasy set in fiction medieval Europe. It helps that the writing is beautiful; I would quote but unfortunately I had to return the book to the library, so you’ll have to take my word for it. The words of love spoken between the characters, especially Shigeru and his love, were heartbreaking and touching. Even the title, Across the Nightingale Floor, refers to a floor that most of us would refer to as just creaky, designed to alert the occupant to intruders. This is the real name for these floors, but it is still far more beautiful than using just plain English. The book has not only ninjas and samurais and swords, but a feel of history and scope that I loved. Since Kaede and Takeo are from different locations and both travel, we get a feel for this world that is quite breathtaking.
As far as characters are concerned, I liked these, although I do feel we could have gotten to know them a little better. They all have a massive sense of honor and it was fascinating to see how their personal thoughts played out against their real world actions. This is such a polite world even as many of the characters sneak behind each other’s backs and murder one another. If one’s honor is impugned, he or she decides to die. It’s a foreign world view but extremely well played; it doesn’t feel melodramatic, it fits. The special magical skills that Takeo had fit, too, especially given that he’s a scion of a special tribe with many of these skills themselves.
Across the Nightingale Floor was a wonderful read. It’s a different kind of fantasy than I normally prefer but I loved it. I could have done with feeling a bit more emotion towards the characters, but I’m hoping that will come as I continue the series.
I wasn’t a big fan of this book – as you say we didn’t get to know the characters very well and there was little emotion in the book. I’m not going to read the rest of the series, but I look forward to finding out if you think it improves as it goes on.
I loved these books and I have to get the prequel that’s now out. Interesting that you called it a YA fantasy, because it’s got teenage protagonists and is being sold as a YA book now I think but originally was sold as an adult series.
Ooh, I’d love to read this just for the setting! I love books set in Japan.
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..Review: Ghoulish Goodies =-.
This series interests me for the setting alone!
.-= Nymeth´s last blog ..The Sunday Salon – Portuguese Literature =-.
I bought this book for my brother a few years ago, and he loved it! (This is actually more incredible than it sounds, since he is not a read AT ALL.) He’s since read the whole series.
.-= heidenkind´s last blog ..TSS–In Which I Break All Vows of Abstinence =-.
I totally loved this series. I couldn’t get enough of it and went through the books in record time. It’s funny that they are being promoted as YA. I thought of them as classic myth; more on the order of Lord of the Rings than Harry Potter. The final book is really a prequel, and when I read that one, I had to resist not reading the entire series again and immediately.
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..Challenge: 100 Miles =-.
I have this one on the shelf, so it’s great to know that it’s so good. I have never seen a review of this book, but yours was great and really made me want to grab it off the shelf and crack it open. Thanks for the great review!
.-= zibilee´s last blog ..In the Arms of Immortals: A Novel of Darkness and Light by Ginger Garrett – 313 pgs =-.
Reading your review, the setting is what grabbed me.
.-= carol´s last blog ..Teaser Tuesday =-.
I FINALLY found this book at the second hand store the other day. I have had book 2 and 3 for a while now, but book 1 wasn’t easy to acquire.
.-= Kailana´s last blog ..Giller-a-thon =-.
A friend listened to this whole series and recommended them to me over the summer, but I’ve been avoiding them for some reason (too many other things to listen to first, I guess!) I’ll have to bump them up the list.
.-= Fyrefly´s last blog ..Sunday Salon: Read-a-thon is coming! =-.
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