Sookie Stackhouse is a waitress in a small bar in Louisiana. She keeps to herself because of her disability. That is, she can read thoughts, and being close to people makes her uncomfortable, especially men. One night, a vampire named Bill walks into her bar, and she realizes that she can’t hear him. Not only that, but he’s good-looking and interested in her. Unfortunately, a string of murders has plagued her small town lately, and it looks like a vampire did it. Bill’s under suspicion and Sookie’s life is in danger; can they figure out who did it before their lives are torn apart?
This was a fantastic, fun little book. Sookie is already an interesting character, and having a vampire named Bill who fought in the Civil War just adds potential for a lot of great background. It seems fairly natural when they get together and stay together, although some of Bill’s vampire habits creep me out. They clearly don’t creep Sookie out as much as me, though. I like that even though she’s a blond, busty barmaid (as she says) she’s still intelligent.
This is a mystery, but I think setting the background for the series was more important. We meet a number of vampires and get a feel for their world, both good and bad, like how they got to be recognized, how apparently they have a “virus”, and even whether or not they can procreate. We get acquainted with Sookie and her supporting cast. As it turns out, the murderer was actually someone who bugged me throughout the book; I hadn’t guessed, but I was pleased, and glad that person will probably not be turning up again. The mystery and the murders were important, but it didn’t frustrate me as mysteries have in the past. I didn’t feel like I was supposed to guess, I could just enjoy the story and wonder who did it.
I also enjoyed the southern feel that this book has. In particular, I appreciated that the dialogue wasn’t written in an atrocious approximation of regional accent but gave me the impression that the characters had particular accents through word choice and behavior. It feels like how I think Louisiana should feel but without irritating me in any way. I liked that a lot.
I would definitely recommend this book to someone looking for a fun read with supernatural elements. I’m very much looking forward to the next in the series and once again glad that I “discovered” urban fantasy. I’ve been missing out on a lot of fun!
Buy Dead Until Dark on Amazon.
I’m four or five into the series. I just love Sookie!
Beth F’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday (May 20)
I’m reading book 8 right now.. I love Sookie too, I’m glad you had fun reading this book and wanted to tell you it gets better and better

I hope you don’t mind but I linked to your review, and here is mine if you want to check it out
DeSeRt RoSe’s last blog post..Friday Finds (May 15)
Thank you! =) I’m off to read yours now!
I read this one last year right before the HBO series started. I also enjoyed it quite a bit. Sookie at first had an unusual cadence to her “voice” and it took me a while to get into, but the characters had me hooked. I haven’t started the second book yet, but it is on my list.
Jill D.’s last blog post..Review – Scandal
This series keeps reappearing on my radar. I really want to dive in someday, but I’v got SO many series I’m already reading. Aaack!
SuziQoregon’s last blog post..Library Loot – May 20
I really want to try this series, but I do not like that cover at all.
Kathy’s last blog post..Wondrous Words Wednesday
I don’t like this cover either! When I finally decided to try it, I was really disappointed that this was the only cover available. I’d recommend looking for the older ones while you can, they’re much cuter!
I really have to read it. I have seen it reviewed and praised on several blogs and I watched the first few episodes of True Blood which I enjoyed. I agree about the cover which is not very attractive and i think that original covers are much better.
lilly’s last blog post..Blessed Are The Meek by Zofia Kossak
I’ve heard a lot about these books, but have never given them a try. I think now is the time to start. Great review!
Zibilee’s last blog post..Spiced: A Pastry Chef’s True Story of Trials by Fire, After-Hours Exploits, and What Really Goes On in the Kitchen by Dalia Jurgensen – 288 pgs
I really need to start reading this series before my husband brings home the TV show DVD’s – it sounds great!
Elizabeth’s last blog post..The Nonfiction Files
I was only able to get through book 3 before setting the series aside, but a lot of my friends tells me that its really from book 4 that the story gets interesting and Eric’s role gets more fun and detailed. I think I’m going to give the series another try before the True Blood premiere next month.
Nari – The Novel World’s last blog post..Time Windows – Review
I admit I have only read one book in this series, but I just wasn’t crazy about it! One of these days I will try again, but in the meantime I have read better series!
Kailana’s last blog post..Thirteen Movies I Have Watched Recently… A Thursday Thirteen
I really enjoyed this book as well, but am not going to read the second book until after the second season of True Blood. Nice review!
I’ve been avoiding these books (although why, I’m not really sure), but my roommate Netflixed the first disc of True Blood this weekend, and I really, really enjoyed it, so I may have to bite (heh!) the bullet and just read them.
Fyrefly’s last blog post..Gregory Frost – Lord Tophet
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