Ella Minnow Pea lives on a (fictional) island called Nollop, named after the man who created the phrase “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”, which uses every letter in the alphabet. When the letters on Nollop’s sentence begin to fall off his statue, the little island erupts in chaos, the council deciding that Nollop is speaking to them from heaven. No one over the age of eight can use the letters that have fallen in writing or speech, with threats of severe punishment and exile if the rules are disobeyed. Ella and her allies must use all the creativity they possess to write a new sentence and save the island they love so much.
I loved this book. Not only is it unbelievably creative, it’s also a little challenge towards censorship, promoting literacy and standing up for your rights. It’s written in epistolary format, so as the letters fall from the alphabet, the people who communicate (and the author) must get more inventive with their phrasing and word choice. Eventually, they are permitted to write phonetically as long as the offended letters are not used – I’m not sure how that carries over into speech, but by this point there are so few people about that they aren’t speaking very much at all.
The story was very cute and I liked the characters, even though they were a bit difficult to distinguish at times. I did have to check who was writing, and probably the only distinctive correspondent was Ella Minnow Pea. I was definitely on the side of the islanders, and I think the whole book is a parody of censorship and when it goes too far. It can be ridiculous, as it is here, but I loved that at least some of the islanders were determined to stand up for themselves. I found it hard to believe that anyone would conform to such stupid rules, but it also shows the power that governments can have.
Mostly I think this is an ideal book for people who enjoy words and word play. I found myself wondering what sentence could possibly match the original for its use of all the letters, and admiring the author’s talent in managing to construct understandable, clever prose that furthers the story without the use of many ordinary letters. It’s more than I could accomplish!
Ella Minnow Pea is a tiny book, 200 pages with plenty of white space, but it says a lot and is definitely well worth the time it takes to read. I’m looking forward to reading it again.
I loved how he managed to create a real sense of menace and oppression even though the rules ARE completely ridiculous and even the islanders mock them at first. And the inventiveness of it all was just a delight.
.-= Nymeth´s last blog ..Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston =-.
I also loved this one! It’s one of the few I actually had to break out a dictionary for.
.-= Lenore´s last blog ..Guest Rhiannon Hart on YA Dystopias =-.
I thought this book was so clever! My mom uses it for her high school English class – I think it’s the only book the kids actually enjoy. =)
.-= Elizabeth´s last blog ..The Nonfiction Files =-.
I loved this book as well! It helps build a better vocabulary
.-= Molly´s last blog ..Show Me 5 Saturday – The Lightning Thief =-.
It just occurred to me the title is a play on L, M, N, O, P, but I can be slow like that. After Nymeth’s review and now yours, this one is on my wish list! Fantastic review!
*thanks Kathy for clearing up the word play I knew had to be there, but I couldn’t spot for some reason*
What with Ana and now you, saying good things about this one, it’s definitely going on the wishlist.
.-= Darren @ Bart’s Bookshelf´s last blog ..Review: Grl2Grl by Julie Anne Peters =-.
Oh this sounds so good. You and Nymeth have convinced me! Two more day to the end of BLOB.
.-= Beth F´s last blog ..Thursday Tea: An Irish Country Christmas by Patrick Taylor =-.
I’m really looking forward to reading this one!
.-= Memory´s last blog ..TBR Additions =-.
That does sound super-creative! Hmmm, you know I usually avoid epistolary novels, but I might have to get this one.
.-= heidenkind´s last blog ..Musical Notes: Darkfever & Flat-Out Sexy =-.
This sounds so good. It is definitely going on my very long Amazon wish list!!!
.-= rhapsodyinbooks´s last blog ..Black History Month: February 27, 1902 – Birthday of Marian Anderson =-.
I have this one on my wishlist! Really looking forward to eventually getting around to it
.-= Aarti´s last blog ..Review: The House Behind the Cedars [TSS] =-.
I read this back when it first came out and adored it. Between you and Nymeth, I’m desperately wanting a reread. I’m not sure where my copy is, but, since it was an ARC, I think it’s time to buy myself a new copy! Great review Meghan!
.-= Heather´s last blog ..New baby? =-.
This sounds really good. I think I might have to add it to the list.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Library Loot =-.
This is definitely a vocabulary buiding book. Its always on the top of my list of books to suggest whenever anyone asks me “what book should I read?” I thought it was really clever and well written and the length was perfect to get the point across and not drag out the story.
I read Nymeth’s wonderful review of this book, and coupled with yours, it has really made me bump this book to the top of my wish list. It sounds like an interesting story told in a very unusual way and I really look forward to reading it. Awesome review!
.-= zibilee´s last blog ..Life Sentences by Laura Lippman – 352 pgs =-.
I bought this book forever ago and still haven’t read it, thanks for bringing it back to my attention!