Sally Bliss’s father jumped off a bridge before she was born and, even though he survived, he still left her mother forever. To get to that point, however, is a long, twisted road, starting with Sally’s grandmother, who was also named Sally, and a motorcycle ride with her cousin Daniel Werner. That day leads to consequences Sally regrets as she flees her family and her baby, finding solace with strangers in a small town not far from her home. Sally spends much of her young life running away until another unexpected consequence brings joy to her life and a determination to do better. This multi-generational saga follows the family’s story and brings together several strands to end in a heartwarming conclusion.
This book starts off very slowly. At first I was confused between the two Sallys. I couldn’t figure out how they connected until I went back and read the book jacket. I never do that, but when you have two characters with the same name, it becomes necessary. Moreover, Sally’s life doesn’t start out very auspiciously and she spends quite a lot of time feeling guilty and hearing voices that tell her she is a slut and she can’t escape what she did. She’s tempted to act very badly where she ends up next and I just despaired for where she was going.
Around the time when her daughter is born, this book picks up quite a bit. Penelope and Sally together liven the story up and make it much more interesting and conflicting. More things happen and the arc of the story starts to come together in a highly coincidental but strangely believable way. In other words, it gets good, and in the end, I really enjoyed it. I never quite liked Sally Werner, as she was too haunted by the ghosts of her past. Perhaps deservedly so since she did abandon a baby to the family who didn’t know how to raise her properly, but she goes on to do some peculiar things. I really, really liked Penelope, though. She is perhaps the least fleshed out of the three, only given her own adult voice in a single letter, but I was drawn to her. I suspect that it’s because she really seems to have lost the most due to the folly of her mother. Not always Sally’s fault, but Penelope is a victim of circumstance who does not let those circumstances take away what matters to her. I admire that, and that’s why I liked her the best.
Finally, the book ends on a wonderful, positive note. I loved how over the course of three generations, the family went from less than nothing to such a scene. It wrapped up beautifully.
All in all, a book worth reading. Stick through the first hundred pages and I suspect you will see what I mean.
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I think a lot of people felt like you did, but this book caught my interest right from the start.
Kathy’s last blog post..Follow Me: Review, Blog Tour and Giveaway
Glad you stuck with it!
I felt the same that it started off slowly. It was about midway through where I wanted to know more about Sally and what would happen to her. For me it was a good book but not a favorite. It’s interesting to see the mixed reviews on this one.
Darlene’s last blog post..Book Review: Too Hot to Handle by Robin Kaye
I was hooked in the first chapter (I thought starting with a failed suicide captured my interest), but I agree the story moves slowly. Thanks to Scott’s beautiful prose, I ended up enjoying the novel quite a bit.
Wendy’s last blog post..Mailbox Monday – April 27, 2009
I concur. Ha! Did I use that right?
I completely agree with you, it still was a good read, just not as great as I would have liked it to be. Happy reading!
bethany (B&b ex libris)’s last blog post..You are in luck! I have two copies for a giveaway!!!
Though I thought the character were interesting, this was a tough read for me, mostly due to the pacing. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, though.
Anna’s last blog post..Giveaway: FOLLOW ME and Other Joanna Scott Books
I thought this book was slow, but well-written. Nice review!
S. Krishna’s last blog post..Pushing Up Daisies – Rosemary Harris
I have seen this book all over the place today! I am glad that it picked up for you, and it does sound like something I would like to read. The main character sounds very conflicted, and usually when that happens, the book is bound to be interesting.
Zibilee’s last blog post..That Went Well: Adventures in Caring for My Sister byTerrell Harris Dougan – 224 pages