Despite an assumed match between herself and her cousin Sir James Martin, Miss Susan Martin chose to marry Sir Frederick Vernon, and was very happy for her choice. Though she was courted by Sir Frederick’s younger brother, Mr. Charles Vernon, Lady Vernon disregarded this as soon as she was married. Her union was blessed with a daughter, Frederica, and all three lived happily until a hunting accident laid Sir Frederick low with a life-threatening illness. Frederica had seen her uncle very near her father at the time of his accident, Mr. Vernon seemingly inactive until he spotted her. Worse, her father died in the understanding that his brother would provide for his wife and daughter as he’d stipulated, but Mr. Vernon had no such scruples, and Lady Vernon and her daughter are left to make their own way in society.
I have never read the Jane Austen novella on which this novel was based and I think that helped me enjoy it more. I did in fact very much like it. It deals in very typical Austen themes but it doesn’t quite match the feel of her work. Since I hadn’t read the original novella to compare it against, my expectations weren’t very high, and I ended up genuinely liking the characters and looking forward to seeing what happened and how it all wound up.
My favorite part of the novel was all the misunderstandings that arose based on gossip. At first the gossip was harmful, and I wasn’t fond of that, but soon enough I realized in what direction the story was going and it became very funny. It’s easy to see how such things could arise when the only communication long distance was letters, and anyone could say anything they liked in a letter with no other contact for contradiction in the country. There is also the gap of time, and anything could happen between receipt of a letter and the next. In any case, I thought this was all demonstrated very well, and I got quite a kick out of it.
I also felt that the novel kept very much to a Austen-like propriety. In modern sequels, there is often an over-emphasis on romance, which I like in modern novels, but which I don’t really feel is appropriate for anyone imitating Austen. I enjoy the way Austen’s characters express their feelings for one another, and I think these authors pull off a very credible, discrete imitation, which gives the impression of full feelings with nothing beyond words.
So, when not compared to Jane Austen herself, Lady Vernon and Her Daughter is a wonderful diversion. It was short and pleasant and I enjoyed my time with it. I would definitely recommend it to fans of historical fiction.
I am an Amazon Associate. I received this book from the Amazon Vine program for review.
I’ve come to enjoy historical fiction, but have shied away from that time period for some reason. I really do need to try one of those books. Glad you enjoyed this one.
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..The Twelve Days of Christmas Cookies – Day 12 =-.
I need to read this one next week! I can’t wait!
.-= Julie P.´s last blog ..Day 12: The 12 Days of Christmas Cookies & Guest Blogger Ann Pearlman =-.
I loved Lady Susan (the Jane Austen novella), and I highly recommend it.
I don’t think I will go for this one however, I fear I may end up diluting my enjoyment of Lady Susan.
Great review, though, and it’s nice to see that some of JA’s lesser known works are also coming into focus
.-= Nish´s last blog ..Certain Girls – A Book Review with Some Mild Spoilers =-.
I love historical fiction and this sounds like a lovely read. I totally agree with what you said about not reading the original first – it can really taint the way you see the book. I don’t like comparing books, I feel like they should be able to stand on their own and be enjoyed for their own merits. That being said, great review.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Movie Review: New Moon =-.
I really want to read this book and I am really glad that you liked it so much! I have read many good reviews and have already added it to my wish list. Thanks!
.-= zibilee´s last blog ..Replacement Child by Judy Mandel – 256 pgs =-.
I have read Austen so many times! (former librarian) I have looked forward to each Austen sequel with eagerness only to be let down – until now! I have read this book three times – first time for the pure fun of the read, the second time to get into how cleverly this was plotted and the third time I delved into how the language was used and THIS is where I think this book shines. When I read a Jane Austen sequel even when the plots are very good they are either too racy, or there is something off in the behavior but what really hits a snag with me is that they just don’t “sound” like JA – I am tempted to splurge on the audio because I would really love to hear it.
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