February 2025
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Review: Natural Talent, Sheelagh White

Aaron Summers is only a teenager but he knows that acting is his calling; he’s already been in several films and sealed his status as pre-teen poster boy.  His latest film is his biggest yet and features a couple of kids completely new to the acting business.  Everything starts off well, after he persuades his parents to let him take the part, until a few suspicious accidents lead the teen cast, growing closer every day, to realize that someone is sabotaging their movie.  The adults don’t believe them, so it’s up to Aaron and his costars to work out exactly what’s going on and more importantly, why.

As I mentioned, this is YA fiction and is a change of pace for me, but a change of pace that I liked.  This is by far the best self-published book that I’ve read all year.  In fact, it hardly reads like one at all and I had to check several times that it was actually self-published because I found it hard to believe.  The storyline is engaging, the dialogue is realistic, and the characters are endearing, which is more than I can say for quite a few other books I’ve read this year.  What more can I ask for?  I would definitely have loved this as a kid and I’d recommend it as a potential gift for any kids in your life that are interested in the movies.  It combines mystery, love, stardom, and suspense in a very entertaining package and deals with a few challenging teenage issues in a competent way.  I’m looking forward to the sequel.  It’s corny, but Ms. White definitely has some “natural talent” of her own.

Check out the author’s webpage for links to purchase and more information.


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