The faerie world has never been comfortable for October Daye. Half-human, half-fae, she formerly ran investigations until her magical heritage lost her fourteen years of her life and the people she loved. Even though she’s decided that she’s finished with that half of her life, serving as a grocery store clerk until her need to avoid dawn gets her fired, the fae aren’t finished with her. She is drawn back into the world against her will, but with no power to resist her latest investigation into a friend’s death.
Ana of the Book Smugglers recommended this to me as her favorite recent urban fantasy series, and since you all know how much I love urban fantasy, there was simply no way I could say no. While this hasn’t displaced my current favorites, it’s fantastic to discover a new one.
This is proper urban fantasy, set right in the midst of San Francisco, where the fae blend neatly in the human world whenever possible. There are only a few times where they are vulnerable, such as at dawn, when October (Toby) must hide herself from detection. She has lost everything and mainly wishes to hide in the midst of the urban jungle. But she’s left no choice in the matter and must delve up old memories as she searches for a killer, and we’re right along with her on her journey.
This made it really easy to be immersed in the world as Toby’s investigation carries her around different sections of the fae, reacquainting her with old allies, enemies, and even lovers. There are quite a few places for McGuire to go with future installments in the series even as the current mystery begins to wrap up. This is a very eerie world; I’ve never been to San Francisco but I got a feel for the grimness of this version of the city, with its constant danger and quirky, often threatening inhabitants.
I really enjoyed the character of Toby in this book. I loved her casual banter, her struggles with other characters, and the fact that she feels like a human even though she’s actually half fae. It makes her very easy to sympathize with, especially because her concerns are actually very human in nature, particularly in the beginning of the book. She just wants to survive, to see her child, to be with the people she loves. I think it would be a challenge not to feel for her.
I did very much enjoy this particular urban fantasy and I’m looking forward to reading more in the series. There are three more, with another book coming out in October. In fact, now that I’ve written this review, I’m a bit tempted to go buy them now! Rosemary and Rue would be an excellent choice for anyone else who is craving a little bit more urban fantasy.
All book links to external sites are affiliate links. I bought this book.
I don’t read a lot of urban fantasy, but you sure make this one sound inviting.
bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …Cool Down with AC: Murder on the Orient Express
I have this on hold at the library. Just waiting for my turn!
Kailana´s last post …Short Story Wednesday – Fearless Girls, Wise Women & Beloved Sisters: Heroines in Folktales From Around the World edited by Kathleen Ragan Part 5
I have just begun to discover that I also love urban fantasy, and I like the fey in particular. This seems like a really great series to get invested in, and I am glad that you liked it. I will have to look into it soon. Have you read any of the books in The Iron Fey series? I can’t remember if I have seen a review here or not!
zibilee´s last post …Revolution: The Year I Fell in Love and Went to Join the War by Deb Olin Unferth — 224 pgs
Urban fantasy is my favorite “direction” in the genre but I’ve never read anything with faeries in the lead roles. Thanks for the enthusiastic review, I’ll add this book to my to-read list!
Olga´s last post …William Shakespeare, should I read your plays?
Someone recommended this one to me a while back. Thanks for reminding me of that and making me want to get out and read it even more. I love urban fantasy novels.
Elena´s last post …The Blue Sword – Robin McKinley
yay! So glad you enjoyed it. And it only gets better and better.
One word for you: TYBALT.
This sounds really awesome! And with both yours and Ana’s stamp of approval I’m pretty sure I’d love it too.
Nymeth´s last post …After the Armistice Ball and Death at Wentwater Court
Ooooh. I need to get this one. I like urban fantasy too and I love the title (I have a thing for herbs).
Beth F´s last post …Weekend Cooking: The Kitchen Journal 5