Mario is one of the enduring characters of my childhood, an instantly recognizable face and voice, and a character that still features in video games which can be just as fun as they were when I was six years old. There’s no way that nostalgia won’t creep its way into my review, and I’m not sure that it shouldn’t. I could not resist this book by Jeff Ryan, which delves into the history of Nintendo in America, just how Nintendo caught on with the masses at one of the worst times to release video games in history, and how they continue to captivate us as competition ramps up from a series of new competitors.
I was particularly entranced by the early sections of the book where Ryan looks at Nintendo’s history. I knew they started out in the nineteenth century as a card company, but the intervening years until the NES was released in North America were mostly lost to me. Ryan fills in the gaps and does quite a bit towards explaining just why Mario was so successful when other characters failed. He suggests that Mario’s very lack of personality, beyond the simple facts of his life, make him appealing because he is an everyman. There is a reason Mario doesn’t speak beyond “Woohoo!” because the less we know about him, the more we can put ourselves in his shoes. It’s an intriguing concept, and it’s true that Mario games the few for me which don’t actually need a story to succeed.
Ryan is clearly a Nintendo fan, which comes through in his writing, and is instantly appealing to another person who has had a Nintendo console nearby for the past twenty-five years. We didn’t get our NES until I was four, but that means I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have the ability to play a Mario game more or less whenever I wished. This book definitely succeeds in tapping into those memories and covering all aspects of Nintendo, not just Mario games.
Perhaps the only thing the book is lacking is actual hands-on interviews conducted by the author himself. A lot of it is research gleaned from a huge variety of sources, but we don’t get much insight into the personalities of the people behind Nintendo. Shigeru Miyamoto is of course the posterchild for cool Nintendo games; I loved hearing more about the older games that he created before Mario and how Mario changed as time went on, but would have loved even more insight from the mind of a man who can create gaming addictions at will.
I did quite like the rotating history of Nintendo’s competitors and how Nintendo has managed to innovate and remain on top for years. After the slow sales of the GameCube, many people thought Nintendo was going to be like Sega and sell only software because of the difficulties they were having. But Nintendo fought back with the Wii, which has been ridiculously successful and found a home with everyone from small children to elderly disabled.
There is every indication that the company will continue to fight back in the future, providing pure fun for all to enjoy, and in the end Super Mario was a lovely tribute to both the company and the great character of Mario himself. If you’re a Nintendo fan, you can’t go wrong with this book.
All book links to external sites are affiliate links. I received this book for free for review via Netgalley.
This sounds fascinating! I also grew up with Nintendo and Mario, so I bet I’d enjoy this as much as you did.
Nymeth´s last post …Fly By Night by Frances Hardinge
I plan to read this and pass it on to Vance – it’s right up his alley. I think Nintendo will become stronger after the PlayStation debacle earlier this year.
bermudaonion (Kathy)´s last post …Guest post and giveaway: Maddie Dawson and The Stuff That Never Happened
I remember one summer when I played Mario from sunup to sundown for weeks. My friends also played and we had huge competitions to see how far we could go with it. This would probably be a great book for me, and I am glad that you ended up liking it! I must add this one to my wish list!
zibilee´s last post …The Twisted Thread by Charlotte Bacon — 384 pgs
Why was it a bad time to release video games?
I remember when I got a Nintendo for Christmas. It was very exciting.
yeah, I’m so getting this for my husband…
Pam (@iwriteinbooks)´s last post …In My Suitcase: part 92,384
This sounds interesting. I never really was a gamer, but my family was growing up and I have a Wii… Which I sometimes use…
Kailana´s last post …Library Haul – First Week of August, 2011
I don’t really remember the SNES console although my Dad did have one. By the time I was interested in such things Nintendo had moved onto the N64. And since then I have been pretty addicted to Mario Karts!!
Jessicabookworm´s last post …All the King’s Horses: An Expression of Depression Vol 3 – Edited by Nina Antonia
I’m really curious about this one. I don’t know much about Mario, and my family didn’t have any video game systems when I was a kid, but I do like to play sometimes now. The part about not having a lot of original interviews concerns me a bit, but maybe that’s just a problem for people already really familiar with Nintendo.
Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)´s last post …Review: ‘Next to Love’ by Ellen Feldman